Chapter 1

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Violet's p.o.v...
I strolled into the school, entering the main gate and kept looking at the watch on my wrist, keeping track of the time. My eyes did not left the side gate since the moment it was in my sight range. A pair of long legs stepped on the steps of stairs and slowly walked down. A smile appeared instantly on my face and rushed forward a little to see his face. He came down the last step and I saw that handsome face of his. I smiled sweeter than ever and walked a little faster to catch up. We walked side by side, him looking at his phone with his ear piece on and I looking at my phone, randomly "checking" apps while blushing madly. His name is Ace, a guy from Secondary 4. I have been noticing him from the start of my Secondary school life and it has been more than a year since then. I held my books in my hands and was in what I call "paradise" until I didn't see the slippery floor and slipped. All of my books fell to the floor and so did I.

How embarrasing. I thought as I stood up quickly and retrieved the books. He helped me and passed it to me,"Here. Your skirt is wet." He said, handing me pieces of tissues. I blushed so much at the smallest thing possible from him and smiled. "T-thank you." I stammered. A gush of wind suddeny blew which sent chills down my body and goosebumps rising, making me shiver a little as my skirt and part of my blouse is wet. He took his jacket out from his back and placed it around my waist, tightening it. I felt so fortunate. "I will return it to you as soon as possible." I grinned. "Ok." He answered and left for his class. My heart is thumping faster than a bullet train, blushing madly and my face was boiling hot.I entered the class, smiling like a freak. "Why are you smiling like a maniac?" Claire appeared ad insulted me. She "checked me out" from head to do and showed a disgusted face,"Don't tell me you peed your pants." Her gang laughed but before I could answer,"Don't need to deny. Ta ta~" she said. Ya ya whatever just get the hell out cause ain't nobody got time for that. I said in my mind as they left, giggling.

After school...
I had to stay back for dance training after school so I headed to the canteen after the long day of school. I sat alone as I didn't have much friends and I am always hanging around with guys but they had to go home. By the way, you may think I am a freak but I dislike making friends with girls. I think that they are a little over reacting and there is a lot of love-hate going on and its often so complicated while boys are just so much simpler and fun. I didn't have enough money as I come from a quite low income family but I didn't want to be a burden so I avoided asking money from my parents so I couldn't buy my food. I read my book and was so submerged in it that I didn't realise someone sat down in front of me. He poked my head gently several times and I looked up from my book. "Hi." He said, smiling. "H-hi," I stammered. "You are from Dance?" He asked, looking at me in the long thights and the hot pink shirt. I nodded,"Y-yeah." The bell rang and I bid him goodbye,"Sorry but I have to go... Bye." I said, reluctant to go. "Bye." He replied. I entered the studio soon after and we started our training.

After the training for the upcomming dance competition, I stayed back as I am the president of the Dance club and I had to form a dance for the mid autumn festival,check their costumes and some other paper work. It was already 6.30pm in the evening and I skipped my lunch, maybe my dinner too. My stomach was rumbling but I could only bear with it. I did all the simpler stuff first and then did the dance choreography. Knock knock There was a slight knock on the door. I tidied myself and walked towards the door, reaching for the knob and opened it. "Hi." Ace said the moment he saw me. "Hi," I replied. "Not going home after training?" He asked. "Erm...I have other things to do." I replied. I then gestured him in after that. I turned off the speaker and the laptop after removing the USB drive. I took the three items and sat on the floor, packing my things. "You haven't had your dinner yet?" He asked. I shook my head. "Its already 8. And if I remembered correctly, you didn't have your lunch either. You will have gastric," he concerned. "Its ok I am used to it." I said and then questioned,"What about you? Its already 8. Don't you need to go home?" "I have training too. Just checking on you." He explained.

"Well lets go then." He said after I packed my bag. "Go where?" I asked. "Dinner. My treat." He said. "But I barely know you." I lied. How can I not know him after "stalking" him for more than a year? "You sure?" He questioned and I held my head high, giving an innocent look. "Well thats weird because someone was always there wherever I go since last year." He said. "You knew?!" I questioned. "Yea." He answered. I immediately went flushing at all the silly things I did like bumping into people as I was too focused on him. Shitttt I screamed in my mind. "Lets go already." He whined and pulled me out of the studio. I locked the door and we headed to the nearest café.

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