Chapter 14

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Violet's p.o.v...
I woke up from the sound of the alarm and got ready for school. I wore the uniform and it fitted just right. I admired myself in the mirror then started brushing my hair, tying it up into a ponytail. I walked towards Xiao kai room to wake him up. I opened the door and he is already awake. "Morning." I said. "If you came in earlier you would've had a chance." He smirked. I blushed realising he just got dressed. "Sorry... I will knock the next time." I apologised awkwardly. "You don't need to." He said and smiled. He then held my hand and left for the living room. "Lets go already lovebirds!" Wang yuan shouted.  I looked at the time and ran in front of Xiao kai still holding his hand. We got into the car and it sped off.

We arrived at school and got off. The girls were swarming around them, seperating me from them and I didn't want to squeeze into the crowd so I walked towards the inner part of the foyer. "How dare you leave me." Xiao kai said as he grabbed hold of me. He noticed I didn't wear the jacket and took his off, tying it around my waist."Do that to me too xiao kai!" The girls whined. "Lets go." Xiao kai ignored them and held my hand and brought me to my class. He kissed me on the forehead and stroked my hair a little. "Bye." I smiled. "Bye." He said, smiling back. I entered the class nervously and sat down at the desk where my name is shown as a bunch of guys sat there. I didn't want to go forward but unfortunately they spotted me. "Hey bruh, shes here."one of them said. The only guy with golden hair looked up and looked at me. Woah... Dang he is hawtt... This was what I thought straight away. He stood up as he was sitting on my table previously and walked towards me.

I looked at the floor as he came near. He bend down and leaned in for a kiss. My eyes widened and I pushed him away, staring at him. He smirked as he ran his fingers through his hair and sat at the seat beside mine. I tilt my head to the right a little wondering what is happening. I then took my seat too. "Class quiet down!" The teacher demanded as she walked into the class. "Now now would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher said. I stood up shyly and was going to walk towards the front of the class when he pulled my jacket off. He then whistled as if nothing happened. I endured and walked towards the teacher."Hi everyone,I am Violet. Please take care of me." I said.

The class applauded and I went back to my seat. The teacher started teaching as I took out my notebook. The guy beside me, well, his notebook is out but he is lying on the table, sleeping. I took a look at him and wondered if I should wake him up. "How is the view?" He asked suddenly. I blushed and looked to the front. I copied down some notes and looked at him again. He was sleeping again so I decided to wake him up. I reached my hand towards his arm and saw the perfect muscle line. I blushed again and hesitated to wake him up. In the end, I still reached forward to wake him up. "O-oi..." I started. "Hmmm..." He said. "Wake up." I said. He stared at me as I looked innocently at him. He pushed the notebook towards me and continued sleeping. I shook his arm again. He frowned and stared at me again. "Note down what the cher said." I suggested. "Didn't I let you help me copy already..." He yawned and was about to go back to sleep. "No way." I said and smacked the notebook mildly on his head. "Urghhh..." He said and took the notebook. I caught a glimpse of his name, Subaru. Weird name... A car I giggled to myself softly.

The teacher then gave us a 5 minute break as the lesson was 100minutes long. He stopped copying and stared at me. I continued copying down and highlighting the important notes and points, trying my best to ignor him.He then moved closer and "checked me out".

Subaru's p.o.v...
I looked at her copying down the notes. She is so innocent and cute. I noticed her long, silky black hair which shone a little reddish brown under the bright sunlight. I reached forward and felt her smooth, fragrant hair. She looked at me, surprised. "Uhh..." She said, blushing. I smirked and layed on the table, sleeping. "Break over!" The teacher said. I don't usually care and the teacher doesn't care about me sleeping in class either but I didn't want her to irritate me again so I stayed awake.

Violet's p.o.v...
The class is staring at us suspiciously including the teacher. "Subaru, are you alright?" The teacher asked worriedly. "Yea yea I am fine." He answered, annoyed. The girls were also looking at me with a shocked face but classes were as per normal.

*skip to after school*
I packed my bag and headed for the door. Someone suddenly grabbed me by the waist and smelled me from my neck which gave me the chills. I turned my head a little and saw Subaru. "S-subaru?" I asked, blushing madly. "Don't move." He said as he stroked and played with my hair. "Rapunzel..." He then commented. My face was heating up so I pushed him away calling him,"Blondie!" I ran out and bumped into Xiao kai. "Whats wrong?" He asked worriedly. "Nothing! Lets go!" I exclaimed and pulled him away along with Qian xi and Wang yuan. "Damn he was such a troublemaker at class too." Qian xi lamented. "I agree! We went to look for Xiao kai after class and saw him disturbing Xiao kai as if he had nothing better to do!" Wang yuan complained too. Xiao kai simply sighed and I comforted him,"Its ok. I would make it clear to him."

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