Chapter 19

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Violet's p.o.v...
I took the last packet of chocolate and saw the ring on my hand. Perhaps it wasn't the best time I wore this ring. I thought to myself and took it off, slipping it into my pocket. I then remembered that Xiao kai couldn't even recognise me and returned the gloomy look. I placed it on the conveyor belt and waited for Xiao kai. "Where the ring you were wearing just now?" He asked. "I didn't wear any." I lied. He didn't question again and we took the bus back.

We arrived home and arranged the groceries in place. He then went upstairs and "hid" in his room. I went up and slowly knocked on his door in hesitation. He didn't reply so I carefully twisted the doorknob and entered the room. Xiao kai then came out from the bathroom with a towel around his waist. "Sorry!" I immediately said and turned around,back facing him. "Knock before you come in." He reprimanded me. "S-sorry!" I said and quickly exited the room, closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door in embarrasment as my blood pressure rose higher and higher.I then told myself to forget about it and went downstairs to fix us something to eat as Subaru just came back too. "Where have you been?" I asked him. "Why is your face so red?" He smirked. "Erm... I- HEY! Don't always reply my question with a question!" I said. "Just a stroll at the nearby park." He replied. The park... I thought. I remained silent for a while."Sorry." He apologised. "Nah its ok." I replied and went to cook the instant noodles. I cooked the egg and ham together with the noodles and headed out with the noodles. Xiao kai was already waiting at the dining table for us and turned his phone off when he saw me. I placed his bowl of noodles in front of him an he started eating. "Not gonna be the third wheel." Subaru said and took his bowl of noodles upstairs as we heard the door closed.

After dinner, I did the dishes and went sat beside Xiao kai at the sofa again. We didn't have much to talk about so there was awkward silence. I wanted so bad to ask him why didn't he wait as he promised? Why didn't he love me anymore? Does he know I still exist? What happened? I bombarded my mind with questions and Xiao kai finally spoke. "Here." He said and handed me a pair of shiny ribbon earrings. "T-thank you. But why the sudden gift?" I thanked him and asked. "Nothing much. Just thought it fitted you so I bought it." He said and stuffed his ears with the ear piece. I put them on after admiring them in my hands. He then walked back upstairs into his room. I watched him and wondered,Does he know who I am already? I then thought it was impossible as he treated me so differently from before. I then turned off the televison and went upstairs too.

I sat at my dressing table again,taking out the ring from my pocket. I bit my lips and held the ring tight. I then daydreamed of Xiao kai's bright, cute smile and how his incissors fitted him so perfectly, his eyes which shone and his warm embrace which faded away. I have never seen him smile since we met again. "Will I see such a smile ever again?" I whispered to myself. *ding dong* The doorbell rang which pulled me back to reality. I wiped away the tears at the edge of my eyes and reached for the door. I walked down the stairs and saw Xiao kai with Angel again. It pained me so much... I stopped walking and watched them. They headed towards the stairs so I quickly went back up and gently closed the door of my room. "Who is at the door?" A voice asked and I looked around, finding Subaru in the bed. "Since when were you here?" I asked. "Don't answer my question with a question too.Who's at the door?" He asked again. "Its Angel." I said and didn't feel like talking about it anymore. "That bastard." Subaru said and stomped towards the door. I pulled him back and said,"Its ok. It isn't his fault. He doesn't even know who I am."
"How could you forget someone you love?!" Subaru shouted. Maybe he didn't love me enough then... I replied him in my mind. "This wouldn't happen if I left at that time.Its my fault. I didn't cherish him." I said and cried. Subaru remained silent and hugged me as he pet me on my head.

After I don't know how long, I stopped crying and Subaru asked,"Are you hungry?" "No." I answered. "Its already 8pm." He continued. What? Its already so late? I thought. "I am going to bed then," I said and took those earrings off. I went towards the dressing table and kept the earrings in a small box and picked up the ring. I took a necklace chain and put it through the ring then around my neck. Subaru sighed and left the room. I turned off the lights and went to bed.

The next day...
It was a public holiday so we didn't need to go to school. I woke up from the bright sun which shone through the translucent curtains. I got ready again and went downstairs. Seemed like I slept in as Xiao kai, Angel and Subaru were already in the living room. They were at the sofa and Angel was hugging Xiao kai while his arm was around her shoulders. "Morning!" Subaru said and smiled. "Morning." I said and smiled weakly. Angel had an annoyed look on her face and rolled her eyes on me. What kind of bitch attitude is that? I thought and turned my gaze to Xiao kai. I clenched the ring that was on the necklace around my neck and walked down the stairs. I sat between Subaru and Xiao kai. "Where do you want to go today?" Subaru asked. "Lets go to the couple's theme park." Angel suggested to Xiao kai and he nodded after a sigh. I remained silent as my eyes flooded with tears. Subaru then hugged me. I cuddled in his embrace and quickly dried the tears.

After some preparation, we sped off in the car towards the theme park. I was gloomy the journey there and my mood brightened a little at the sight of the theme park. We entered the theme park and the high speed roller coaster caught my attention. I love thrills and excitements so I pulled Subaru towards it. We took the first four seats and the roller coaster sped off. I screamed my lungs out, releasing all the pressure I was taking. We then got off the roller coaster and I squealed,"Its so fun!" We walked out towards the next venue on the "map" and Subaru stopped. "Wait here for me for a moment." He said. "Ok." I said. I looked around and saw couples everywhere. This is called the couple's theme park anyways... I thought. I looked at the floor again as I waited for Subaru.

A hand suddenly stretched out from behind me with a candyfloss. I took it and turned around. Xiao kai was standing there with the figure that was three quarters of a head taller than me. "Eat it." He said. I looked at the candy floss and pulled it towards my mouth. I looked at Xiao kai for a moment and gave the candyfloss one huge bite. It melted in my mouth and I felt happy as I smiled a little.

Xiao kai's p.o.v...
She was so easy to satisfy and I couldn't help but smile a little. Her hair was messy so I helped her arranged her fringe.

Violet's p.o.v...
Was that a smile I saw? I asked myself. He finally smiled. I said to myself and munched on the candyfloss with pleasure. He arranged my fringe but I didn't blush... Only he knows who he is thinking of during this time..."Violet!" Someone shouted and I turned around to see Subaru. He ran over as he waved, holding a large cup of drink. He passed it to me and I took a sip. It was coke. I looked at Xiao kai who already went back with Angel. Why... I questioned myself as Subaru held my hand and continued walking.

After hours and hours of fun, we finally returned home late in the night. We each went to our rooms seperately except for Xiao kai who sent Angel out. I took a bath and then went to bed after using my phone for a while.

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