Chapter 20

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Violet's p.o.v...
I woke up with a slight yawn and woke Subaru up. He was still in a daze and did not know where he was going for a while until he finally cleared his mind. "Morning." I said and he replied,"Morning rapunzel." "Hurry up. We are going to be late. I turned the alarm off..." I admited with a cheeky smile and he said,"Moron." I glared at him and was going to argue but we don't have the time for that. We got ready quickly and literally ran to school.

Same old boring school life just like that...

After school...
We exited the school and saw Xiao kai waiting for us. I thought he was alone but saw Angel,Wang Yuan, and Qian xi as we closed in. Angle gawked at me and linked her arm with Xiao kai's. Hmph! I thought. "Isn't that Xiao kai?!" "And wang yuan!!!" "Oh my god catch me! I an fainting!" Some girls squealed and it went on. I sighed. The thorn in my heart wasn't gone yet. I decided that I would confront him today when the chance comes. I missed you guys so much! I said in my mind and they looked at me. I looked at them with eyes filled with hope that they would remember me. Wang yuan's eyes then widened and was going to explode with excitement when Qian xi covered his mouth. Qian xi then whispered something to wang yuan and they continued walking. I bet they can't recognise me either.

We arrived at home and wang yuan went into the kitchen to grab junk food as always. "The sweets are in the basket beside the refrigerator and the chips are in the top right cabinet." I said loud enough for him to hear. He came out with those in his hands and munching on them as he asked,"How did you know I wanted them?" "Erm..." I didn't know how to reply him. "Hey we need to eat too." Qian xi said. "O-okay." I said and went into the kitchen. I knew wang yuan loved pizza so maybe I'll make a hawaiin one. I started adding the toppings after the dough was ready and I always had this habit of placing the cheese first,followed by the sauce and the cheese again to make it extra cheesy. "You are Violet aren't you?" Qian xi asked. Wang yuan walked into the kitchen as well. "I thought you two didn't recognise me." I said sadly. "We couldn't at first. You grew taller and became much more beautiful! I miss you!" Wang yuan exclaimed and pulled me into his signature bear hug.

"I miss you guys too..." I said still in a rather sad tone and hugged him back. We pulled away from the hug and Qian xi said,"Xiao kai mentioned about you saying you look like Violet and all that." "He couldn't recognise me." I said. "Show that to him." Wang yuan said and pointed to my neck. I looked at the chain and pulled the necklace out. The ring hung at the tip and I saw my name carved onto the ring with his. "He isn't even wearing this ring anymore." I said. "He is devoted to Angel now isn't he..." I continued. My heart became heavier as I talked. "Go talk to him." They said. I sighed and they left the kitchen.

After dinner, I walked up the stairs nervously towards Xiao kai's door. After minutes of hesitation, I finally knocked on the door. I bit my lips, expecting an answer but there was none. "Xiao kai?" I asked through the door. There was no reply. I didn't want to barge in like before so I knocked again. He didn't reply again so I just went in, worried something might have happened to him. He was sleeping soundly on his bed to my surprise. I walked into his room and closed the door behind me. I looked around and saw this plant which caught my attention. It was a small colourful cactus in a small green,glass pot. I took it up and examined it for a moment as I turned it around. "Who says you can touch that?!" Someone shouted which scared me and the pot of plant slipped through my hands. A hand caught it and I turned around only to find Xiao kai behind me. "I-" I was going to apologise but he didn't give me a chance to. "Do you know how much this means to me?!" He shouted again. "But I-" I said and he interrupted again,"Just because I treat you a little better doesn't mean you can touch my things like that!" "Get out!" He shouted again. My eyes shimmered with tears as he repeated,"Get out! Now!" "Sorry." I said and left the room.

I closed the door again and the tears rolled down on my face. Sorry... I apologised to him in my head but it was too late. How many nights have I wished he would stay, lie awake only hoping he was okay?... Subaru must have heard the shouting and came out of his room. "What happened?!" He asked. I wiped away my flowing tears and replied,"N-nothing. I am going out." I then went into my room, grabbed a coat and went out. I couldn't stop crying. He is right. Who am I to touch his things? I thought to myself. Now, I know that I am nothing compared to that little plant... It hurts when our memories mean so much to me but nothing to you... I thought and continued walking.

Xiao kai's p.o.v...
Who does she think she is to touch my things like that? I thought. I looked at the plant and somehow felt guilty. "I wish you were here." I mumbled to the plant and the door slammed open,revealing Subaru. "What have you done to her?!" He shouted. "I thought you would remember her faster if you moved here but clearly I am wrong! I just hurt her more!" He said. "What?" I asked in confusion. "Did you know that she almost drowned herself in the swimming pool because of you?! Did you know that she cried almost every night before she sleeps and in her dreams?! All because of YOU!" He shouted again and punched me in the face. I fell to the floor as the pot of plant did too and it shattered. Soil spilled everywhere as he gave me one last glare and stomped out. I sat up on the bed and wiped the blood at the side of my mouth away. I then looked at the shattered glass pot that was covered with soil and walked towards it. I brushed it gently and it finally revealed the silver ring I buried in it. She's Violet? I questioned myself. I then face palmed myself and ran out to look for her.

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