Chapter 16

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Violet's p.o.v...
The next day, I woke up and did my morning routine. School continued as per normal. After school, Subaru walked with me towards the main entrance. I slipped as I walked down the stairs and landed on my butt. "Ouch..." I whined and slowly kept my legs. "Baga..." He said and helped me up. "What does that mean?" I questioned. "It means idiot in Japanese." He explained. "What?! You idiot!" I shouted and walked in front of him. "Oiii." He said. "Hmphh!" I replied and continued walking. My phone rang and I picked up the call. "I am fetching you from school now." My dad said from the phone. "Bye!"I shouted to Subaru and ran towards the foyer, excited to meet him for the first time after so many years that he is picking me up from school. I got in the car and he spoke,"We are moving to New Zealand." "Again?!" I asked. "I am sorry I haven't been giving you the care you need this period of time. Your mother agreed to abort the divorce and we are moving to live with her." My dad  apologised. I was happy and sad at the same time. "Pack up then. We are departing in the evening." He said as we arrived. I dashed in for Xiao kai and saw him staring at me angrily. "Where have you been?!" He shouted. "I am moving to New Zealand..." I started. "What?!" He asked. "Sorry.. I am leaving this evening..." I explained. "Why the rush?!" He questioned. "Actually, my mum and dad were about to divorce but they got back together and we are now moving back to live with my mum." I explained again. "I understand that but its too rush." Xiao kai complained. "Sorry..." I apologised. "I don't accept this!" He shouted again.

I sighed heavily and he pulled me upstairs. He looked at me full of sorrow and then pulled me to the bed. "Xiao kai..." I tried to get up but he pulled me back. He hugged me and said,"Lets just spend this time together before you leave." We just laid on the bed as the time passed by. I have to start packing already so I tried to get up. "You have to leave now?" Xiao kai asked, grabbing hold of me. I nodded and he started helping me pack my bags after sighing heavily. "H-here." He said, handing me a beautiful box. I opened it and there was a shiny silver ring in it. Xiao kai x violet 💕 carved on the inner surface of the ring. "I wanted to give this to you earlier but- Nevermind that... Just promise me you will wear this everyday." He continued. I looked at the ring and slowly wore it on my middle finger. I hugged him as tears rolled down my face. "I won't be away for long. I would tell my dad." I assured. "Ok... Don't forget me." He warned. "I would never." I replied him. "I can ask if I can go over there for further studies too!" He exclaimed. "But your career.." I reminded him. He hesitated for a moment and I spoke,"Its ok..."

"I hate long distance relationship." He said. "I will be back as soon as possible!" I exclaimed. He sighed again as I looked at the time. "I think my dad is here." I said and the doorbell rang. "I will accompany you to the airport." He said. I agreed and went downstairs. My dad was at the door and I went to him. "Thank you for taking care of my daughter boys." My dad thanked them. "Can they come along?" I asked. "Sure." My dad agreed and we got into the car. I held Xiao kai's hand the whole way to the airport. "Little couple I see there." My dad suddenly said and we blushed. He laughed and said,"Just like how your mother and I were when we were young." "You don't oppose?" I asked suprisingly. "As long as you are happy." My dad said. "Thanks dad." I said. It has been so long since I felt this fatherly love from him... Its so heart warming...

We arrived at the airport and it was time to say goodbye... "You won't forget will you?" Xiao kai asked. "You can't forget someone who gave you so much to remember." I said and he pulled me into a hug. I blushed but hugged him back again. "Us too." Wang yuan said. "I won't." I smiled back to them.I cried as I boarded the plane and looked towards the airport for Xiao kai and the others. We waved each other goodbye and they were soon out of sight. Tears dripped onto my lap as I looked at the ring on my hand. "Don't be sad rapunzel." A voice said. "Huh?" I looked up from my hands and saw Subaru beside me. I wiped my tears away."How did you-"I was going to ask when my dad appeared and explained,"He is your fiancé. Well he used to be. Not anymore when your mum wanted a divorce. Thats why he is going to new zealand with us. But now that I see you have a boyfriend, its up to you." "I had a fiancé?!" I asked. "Yeah." My dad said.

"Well I think that you two make a great pair." My dad commented. "What?! We don't!" I argued. "Quiet down, we are in the plane!" My dad whispered and went to the seat behind me. Our seat was a two seater one so only Subaru and me were sharing the seats. I looked out of the window and suddenly felt some weight on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Subaru sleeping, with his head on my shoulder. Its supposed to be the other way round. I thought but shrugged it off. Is xiao kai going to fufil is promise to wait and remember me? Questions like this couldn't help but pop up in my mind. I looked at his sleeping face but his fringe was in the way. I reached for it but he suddenly woke up and grabbed my wrist. "What are you doing?" He asked. "N-nothing." I replied. I then look out of the window thinking about Xiao kai. I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up after I don't know how many hours with my head on Subaru's shoulder and him looking at me."Ahh I really regret opposing our engagement." He said. I guessed it was night time as it was dark when I looked out of the window. Each two seater were provided with one blanket. I bet Subaru placed the blanket on me instead of covering himself too. "Idiot." I sighed. "What did I do?" He asked. I placed part of the blanket over him. "Its ok I don't feel the cold." He said. "Shut up and deal with it." I replied. "Don't be so rude...ra-pun-zel," he said. "You say... Would he still remember me?" I asked. "Who knows maybe he would have a new girlfriend and forget you after this." He replied. "Do you have a death wish?!" I whisper-shouted and elbowed him but not that hard. "You are harsh young lady!" He whispered back. I sighed thinking of Xiao kai and dozed off again.

We arrived in New Zealand and my dad drove us to our new home. I was excited to see mum and walked towards the door. The door opened, revealing my mother. "Mum!" I squealed and ran towards her. I hugged her and she did too. "Oh my sweet cupcake! How I missed you!" She said. "Me too!!!" I shouted. My dad walked up behind me and gave her a hug too. "Honey, Subaru is here too." My father said. "Oh Subaru. Come on in." She said and we entered the house.  I gasped at the huge house and she brought me to my room. A few days passed and life couldn't be better... Well it could be if Xiao kai and the others were here... Knock knock. "Come in!" I said and the door opened. "Whats up rapunzel?" He said. I ignored him and he continued,"We should really get to know each other."

I felt interested and weird how he has golden hair as school didn't allow hair dyes and his name named after a car. "Where are you from?" I asked. "Japan." He said. I gasped. No wonder he had that japanese accent from the anime shows. "Do you want to learn?" He asked. "Sure." I said since I have nothing better to do.

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