Chapter 5

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Violet's p.o.v...
Luckily I completed my homework fast to save myself from xiao kai who was disturbing me and I got so much irritated. After taking a nice long bath, I walked downstairs and they were squabbling about the food for dinner. "Pizza!" Xiao kai shouted. "Spagetti!" Qian xi shouted back. "I just want food!" Wang yuan whined. "Oh geez chill guys chill." I said as I walked down the stairs. "No! I want pizza!" Xiao kai yelled again."Spagettiiiiii~" Qian xi shouted. "You said you wouldn't participate in 'these' activites." I said. "Its foood." Qian xi said, dragging the word. "Help~"Wang yuan whined and went to my side. "Okok if you guys don't mind, I can cook." I smiled. "Ok fine." Qian xi finally settled down and sat back on the sofa. "If it is edible then I am fine with it." Xiao kai smirked. "Freak." I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Sloth." He shouted back for me to hear. I popped my head out of the kitchen(just a figure of speech😂) and shouted,"Freak!"
"Freak doesn't need to eat!"
"Freak can order cause sloths can't cook!"
"I can!"
"You just admitted you are a sloth!"
"You also admitted you are a freak!"
"Shut up!" Wang yuan shouted and we stopped. "Not cooking yours!" I started again. "Sloths can't cook!" He shouted back. "Freaks can't either!" I shouted. "Oh my god my ears!" Wang yuan shouted. I came out of the kitchen as I was waiting for the water to boil and the mixture of the pizza dough to mix. Qian xi was wearing earpiece to avoid this chaos and never mentioned a word. I really admire his tolerance with the freak I mean seriously, freaks are freakishly freaky. We were about to start again when wang yuan covered xiao kai's mouth and they started tickling each other as I giggled and went back into the kitchen.

An hour plus later, I came out with steaming hot pizza and 3 plates of spagetti. "Wow..." Wang yuan gasped at the food and excitedly sat at the dining table. "Sloths can't cook. Admit it." Xiao kai said as he sat down. We exchanged death glares and sat down slowly as they started eating. I then realised I had forgotten to cook my own food. I face palmed myself out of embarrasment and how my memory had failed me."Whats wrong? Xiao kai didn't say anything already." Qian xi asked. "I-"I started, hesitating to tell the truth knowing xiao kai would mock at me. "Go on sloth." Xiao kai said, biting the pizza. "Actually..." I continued and they looked at me with gazes filled with curiosity as they chewed. "I forgot to cook my own food." I said, embarrased. "Oh my god you slow reaction sloth! For the first time in forever, someone forgot to cook their own food to eat." Xiao kai joked. Forever. My mood changed the moment I heard the word. I made a huge mistake because of that god damn word. "You are the cutest thing I have ever seen." Qian xi commented but I showed an expressionless face as I recalled Ace.

"Whats wrong?" Wang yuan questioned, seemingly to spot something wrong with me. "Nothing. I-I am skipping this." I said coldly and went upstairs. I closed the door and screamed into my poor teddy bear. I was hungry but didn't have the mood to eat. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep. I woke up to a slight tug on my waist. I opened my eyes and saw xiao kai with his eyes widened, looking at me. "Oh my god." I squealed. "What happened just now?" A voice sounded from behind me and I saw Qian xi sitting there, being tucked in by my blanket. "This picture is terribly wrong. Get off my bed." I said, sitting up and saw wang yuan who was beside Qian xi. They got off and asked,"Now can we know?" "No." I answered. "Fine fine." Qianxi said. "You sure you are not eating?" Xiao kai smirked."No." I replied again, getting irritated. "Lets go." Wang yuan said again."Where?" I asked. "Dessert!!!!" He exclaimed and pulled my out of the room by my wrist. I giggled and followed him down to the kitchen. He watched as I made a tray of red velvet cupcakes and tried to help but made a mess instead.

After the cupcakes are done and frosted, we took it to the dining room and munched on them happily. Xiao kai seemed to have disappeared so there was only me, wang yuan and Qian xi. "Wheres the freak?" I asked. "I don't know." Qian xi answered as he took a cupcake while wang yuan is too busy eating. I walked towards the studio, hoping to find him there as I held the cupcake carefully. I walked into it, seeing him play the guitar. He saw me and placed the guitar down. "Hi." I started. I handed him his cupcake and he looked a little surprised and started to take a bite. "Its nice." He commented and I don't know why but I felt this tinge of happiness in my heart. I sat down on where he sat and held the guitar. "Sloths don't play guitar do they?" He joked. "Stop calling me a sloth!" I exclaimed madly as he replied,"Why not? Its nice! And it fits you since you are always so slow." "Urghh." I continued with a sigh and held the guitar. "Don't destroy my favourite guitar please." He pleaded. I ignored him and played the score he wrote and it was quite good.

"Why didn't you complete it? The part after the the first chorus and the rest of it?" I asked. "No inspiration." He said. "Oh well." I said and started doodling on another paper. "Whats that?" He asked. "My ideas." I said. "As if like you can do it when I can't." He smirked. "Pffftt." I added. I played it on the piano with the lyrics as Xiao kai played the guitar with the score I wrote in just an hour plus. I found it great and Xiao kai agreed too,"Its great! You are a genius! You should be studying in an elite school with us!" He exclaimed. "Ah-"I said as he interrupted me,"Thank you!" He thanked me and hugged me. I blushed. "Your reward." He said as he lifted me from the ground and ran towards my bedroom. He flunk me on my bed and panted a little. "You are heavier than a pig that ate to its fullest for countless days!" He exclaimed. "How dare you compare me to a pig?!" I exclaimed.

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