Chapter 1

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 [Y/n] groaned as her alarm clock boomed in her ears. She turned the clock off and sat up in bed and rubbed her sleep ridden eyes, "I don't wanna!" She whined to no one getting up and shuffling to her wardrobe. How wonderful, it was Monday, and first lesson was maths. Great. She completed her normal morning routine and slipped on her skinny jeans and a gray tank top before finally choosing a red and black flannel. She pulled on her knee high combat boots and grabbed her [f/c] backpack. She bounced downstairs greeted by the smell of burned toast. She looked over to Tony, her younger sister, and called out, "Where's mum and dad?". Tony replied with a shrug, "Maybe they got tired of you, mix-match." She giggled while [Y/n] just sighed. God, she hated her. [Y/n] picked up the burned toast and left her small house, she did not want to be confronted with her idiotic parents. Looking over to forest close to her house, she sighed. One day she just wanted to run in there and enjoy the quiet scenery of it all. One day. She put in her headphones and began to listen to her favorite songs, blocking out reality. 

She arrived at the bus stop and rested against the wall closing her eyes. 5 minutes passed before she felt a sharp stinging sensation in her shoulder. She opened her eyes only to be met with the face of the worst person on earth. Mackenzie. [Y/n] pulled out one of her headphones and sighed once Mackenzie began her little rant. "Mix-match! Listen to me you idiot!" Mackenzie whined, "All I wanted to know is, how are the alcoholics?" She giggled turning to her group of friends. "Is that it Mackenzie? Why don't you go and make-out with some more boys" [Y/n] said in a bored tone. The bully stopped and turned to her. "Your gonna get it you cheeky b*tch!" Mackenzie screamed as she was pulled away by her friends. [Y/n] chuckled at how easily she was angered and watched the bus roll to a stop. She jumped on and retreated to her secluded corner and watched the beautiful forest as they began to drive away.

Once they arrived at school [Y/n] waited for the bus to clear out before jumping out. She arrived at class before the teacher, only to be greeted by various other horrible nicknames. Ignoring them she sat down in her seat and waited for her teacher. Throughout the lesson she was thrown notes saying how she wasn't going to like after school. She chuckled as she crumpled them up, paying attention to the lesson.

~~~Time skip brought to you by a lazy author~~~

[Y/n] picked up all her books and stuffed the into her backpack. She began walking out of school and decided to go to the park. Anything to avoid her parents or just people. She sat down on the wooded bench that faced the dark forest, smiling to herself. "HEY MIX-MATCH!" She heard someone shout from behind her. She turned and groaned as she saw Mackenzie and about 6 jocks surrounding her. "Brought your boyfriends for a little walk?" [Y/n] said in a monochrome tone. Mackenzie smirks and turns to the large boys, "Told you she was being a meanie!" She said in a childish tone, "How about we play a game."
[Y/n] gives them a confused look, "And what game is that?"
Mackenzie's smile widens as she holds open her hands, "Hide and go kill!" She shouted with a happy tone as the 6 boys pulled out various weapons. [Y/n]'s jaw drops as she silently curses herself for coming to such a hidden area. Before her mind can register her situation, her legs carry her into the mysterious forest. Her mind finally catches up once she seems to be in the heart of the scary forest, hope collects up only to be shattered by the yelling and laughing of the group of bullies behind her.
"Found you!" Mackenzie's voice rings out as [Y/n] turns sharply being met with the group of 7 teenagers. [Y/n] straightens up ready to fight if she really needs. "Well,well, well." Mackenzie giggles out, "If it isn't the little freak, why aren't you parents rushing to your aid?" She sticks up her index finger in a mocking way, "That's right! Their probably in a ally having sex with prostitutes drunk out of their minds!" She burst out laughing along with the group of boy. [Y/n] takes a breathe in a attempt to calm herself. "What is it freak? Sad because you going to die alone!" She say's between laughs, "Or is it because you'll never be accepted into society as a human being?"

Something snapped. Every battle she fought for control lost. Their laughter fuels her anger as she looks up toward the girl. [Y/n]'s red eye seemed to glow like fire in the darkness of the trees. She lunges toward Mackenzie pinning her down and before anyone can comprehend whats happening, she begins to tear into her chest with her strange nails. She ignore's her newly grown nails and begins to laugh at the crimson blood coating her hands as Mackenzie gasps for air. Before [Y/n] can finish off she feels a strange pain in her back,one that burned like fire, turning she see's a deep slash across her shoulder blades. Suddenly the unbearable pain spreads throughout her body, she concludes this can't be just the gash as she screams an ear ripping scream. The boy's nervous laughter is canceled out by her screaming as a loud horrifying crack is heard. They all snap their attention to a giggling [Y/n].

They gasp as they see the bloodied girl, with massive, jet black, angel wings. Her low giggling turns to a loud maniacal laughter causing her whole body to rack with jolts. "Shall we continue our game, 'Hide and go Kill?" Her laughing came to a terrifying stop as she looked at the shaking group. "Now," Her eye's shone with insanity as she opened up her bloody arms, her unearthly wings fluttered with excitement as she screamed, "GO!"  

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