Chapter 25

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[Y/n] over heard the muffled rant that Zalgo was going on and clenched her teeth from what she could gather her family had come to rescue her and fell right into his trap.  Her steps were quick and soundless as she tried her hand at navigating around what seemed to be the basement of his massive castle. 
"Hey! What'dya' think you're doin' outside you cage?" A gruff, scrambled voice sounded to her left as she passed by a wide doorway.  She backtracked a few steps and saw two goat-headed guards huffing at her.  Cocking her head slightly, she pointed to the direction she was walking in, "Can anyone direct me to the exit?" Her voice was flat and she sighed heavily as both came lurching towards her.  Bending at her knees, she jumped high enough to place both feet onto the creatures broad chest and kicked it into the wall a few metres away, as the second approached she swung a leg into the side of its face - the force knocking it to the ground- and regained her balance.  She crouched down and grabbed the closet guard by a stained horn, "D'ya mind directing me to the exit." She hissed. The guard scrambled upwards with a nod of its head, walking slowly in front of her, turning his head every now and then to make sure she was following.  
It took them a ridiculous amount of time to reach the cobble stairs of the exits, they spiraled upwards and there were torches at a few intervals lighting it very slightly.  [Y/n] sighed heavily, it took at very least 5 minutes to trek up all of them.  
Finally at the hallway, a floor-length window showed her the front grounds of the castle.  In the not so far distance, stood her family looking very tense and rigid with a cloaked figure standing before them.  A wave a nostalgia hit her but she couldn't place were the feeling was sprouting from...
Pointed teeth clenched at the sight, she couldn't help but feel it was her fault for all of them sitting there like fish in a barrel.  She turned to the guard that was guiding her, "Where's Zalgo?"
The guard stiffened and tried to look her in the eyes, "I can't lead you to him, miss."  An eyebrow raised as she starred at him, "...Excuse me?"
"I-I said th--"
"No. No, I heard what you said, but do you really want to deny my wishes?" Her voice was dangerously low as she took a few steps forward to lean right in the guards face.
"Miss, I apoli-apoligise but-" 
Her hands shot to his mouth, one held the bottom jaw open while the other ripped his tongue straight from the base.   The creature bent forward, a strangled scream leaving his mangled throat as [Y/n] wiped his blackened blood on it's tattered coat. 
"Will I be hearing any other excuses?" There was no answer other then another gurgled screech of pain.  Once again, she let out an over exasperated sigh ,rolling her eyes to the top of her sockets, she kicked it harshly sending its weakened body tumbling a bit ahead.  "Will you just show the fucking way to Zalgo? Or it'll be your dick I'm ripping off next."
The guard nodded shakily and stood up of unsure feet, there was blood pouring from it's mouth but as long as it stayed alive long enough to show her the proper direction,she couldn't care less.   
The two walked in silence, the only being the drip of blood leaving the guards mouth.  Only now had the adrenaline worn off, the burning from the side of her face became much more prominent, as a hand reached up to check the damage, she flinched at the feeling, or lack-of, her missing ear.   That knight had got a good lick in but a fist right through the skull was good enough of an end for her not to be pissed about it.   Looking down at the fist that had crushed the girls skull, she sighed at how stained it was, the red blood was more brown as it dried in clumps around her forearm and she was sure the black liquid on her knuckles was from the girls crushed eyes.  She could only expect the other two knights to absolutely pissed about their friends brutal murder and for them to be hot on her heels yet at this point fighting the two would have to be quick and extremely brutal.  
She cracked her knuckles at the thought of another fight and almost like a story planned by an author a powerful smack on her back sent her flying forwards, her body rolled but before she could recollect herself a foot smacked down onto her face keeping her in place.  The very angry face of Raven came into vision and [Y/n] let out a muffled groan,  Ali's face came into vision, but more importantly was the knife heading straight for her neck.  Raw instinct came in and [Y/n] barely held off the knife moments from it hitting her neck.  She kicked her legs up and wrapped them around Raven's waist then brought them down with extra force successfully flipping her over, releasing the weight on her face with her.  In the same moment she grabbed the back of Ali's neck with one hand and threw her to the side.  Stumbling quickly to stand, she had to flip backwards to avoid getting shanked, as her hands hit the ground she wrapped her ankles around the hand wielding the knife and twisted her body, hearing a hard snap and a yell of pain.  She landed crouched close the ground and eyed Raven clutching her right hand with a knife discarded on the floor.  Ali followed her line of sight but before she could even step forward [Y/n] was twirling the hilt between her fingers.  [Y/n] grabbed Raven into a headlock with the knife pressed firmly against her scarred neck, as the knights hands flew up to stop it from digging in any further [Y/n] noticed how one hung uselessly at the wrist.  Her multi-coloured eyes stared deeply into Ali's wide one,  with a tilted head [Y/n] heaved a sigh, "We could of been good friends, all of us, if you had all racked up the balls to go against the mouthy bastard." 
Ali took a step forward and as she did [Y/n] pressed the knife in further thickening the stream of blood leaving the slice,  "My friends are out there, they're all going to be slaughtered if I don't get my ass into gear.  I'm asking nicely here, lead me quickly to Zalgo and I can set you guy's free."
Ali stiffened, wide golden eyes changing to stare at Raven who was looking back equally as shocked.  "If I kill Zalgo," [Y/n] started, releasing Raven from her iron grip. "Which is in the realm of reason, I can release you guys."
Moments passed before Ali spoke up, voice tough and rigid,  "And what about Luna?  Where was her deal?" 
[Y/n]'s shoulders slumped, "I ain't sorry for offing her.  She was torturing Sally, a kid."  
"I was too, why aren't I dead?" Raven spoke up, gaze as cold as ice. 
"Because your weren't dumb enough to confront me." [Y/n] turned her head to Raven, eyes blazing with an impatient rage. "The only reason your entrails aren't splattered against the wall is because you can be useful to me."  Raven's eyes widened at her voice, it sounded layered and at a deeper pitch then what it should be. "I suggest you make up your mind quickly.  You're either a use or a nuisance, and nuisances get disposed off."
The remaining knights looked at each other, Ali decided to speak up after a few moments of silence,  "We'll help, but you have to keep to your promise."
[Y/n] grinned showing pointed teeth, stained with the blood from her wound that covered all of the right side of her face,  "Even an abomination can keep her promises, dear."


Longest one yet! Now we're started to get to the good bits, so make sure you keep updated for the story!

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