Chapter 5

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Toby stared at the panicking beauty before him, he noticed that she was wearing one of E.J's hoodie's, that was completely over-sized on her - the hem reached just below her knees and the sleeves were half-way down her palms (but were still slipping with every slight movement), the hood shadowed most of her face leaving only the mouth and nose on show but even with her eye's covered he could tell she was glaring at him with fire in her eyes. Once again, he chuckled, breaking the silence that settled in the mansion, causing the girl to flinch. "W-what's y-your name d-darling?" Toby asked, with a deadly tone mixed with the occasional tick that forced it's way around his body. The girl stood up straight and lifted her head to reveal a [e/c] eye, one that emitted perfect confidence and knowledge. It was captivating. She took a deep breathe, "My name is [Y/n]." Her voice was strong, it didn't waver and had a edge of danger to it. Shaking his head, Toby cleared the thoughts from his mind as the girl continued to stare at him with the one visible eye, checking every movement he made with pin-point accuracy. The distance between them both was about 2 metres, enough to lunge at each other but not for a swift get away. They both knew that much. "Well... [Y/n]... it seems I'm going to have to exterminate you," He took a large step forward, "I'll make this as painf--" Before he could even finish his sentence the small girl had lunched herself forward.

She stared at him with disgust as he said her name. 'Exterminate me... huh?' she thought as she slid her left foot backwards, 'I ain't going down without a fight!'. Before the man could finish his sentence she leaped towards him. Obviously taking him by surprise she knocked him down and pinned his hands above his head with one of her own and revealed the sharp scalpel as she placed it on his neck. The goggled man smirked and used his force to role them over, releasing his hands. But the girl was smart... and quick. Using the momentum, she was able to continue the rolling until she grabbed both his hands and stopped once more, growling like an animal. She quickly kneed him in the groin, but when no reaction was shown along with the mans hidden smirk, she silently cursed and ran the situation in her head, 'CIP, or numb to pain, use his pressure points and focus on making the limbs numb'. Just as the man realised what he was in, [Y/n] pressed in with her thumb at a point between his right shoulder and collar bone, rendering it useless. He looked up at her smirking face in shock, and before he could even react once more, she pressed the left hip with her thumb and index finger once again leaving it numb. [Y/n] jumped up and in leaving her celebration for later, quickly ran to the embedded hatchet and easily pulled it out, waiting for anymore attackers.

Laughing Jack looked around him, realising how everybody was staring at the slightly open, large doorway that lead into the hallway. It was silent after they heard a low thud hitting the wall and Toby's voice calling to a mystery (possible) intruder. They were going to resume back to what they were doing once they heard the girls return (a bit too confident in front of a serial killer) until another loud thud and a grunt sounded from the hallway. L.J couldn't help himself, as he ran to the door way with Sally behind him, and peaked out spotting a beautiful girl with disheveled [h/c] hair and a bright [e/c] eye. His breathing hitched as she turned her head looking at the door, revealing a glowing red eye along with snarling teeth. L.J turned to the rest of the residents and signaled for them to look outside. Followed by some groans and complaints, the boys were all wide-eyed as they looked at the panting and growling girl, with one bright [e/c] eye and a flashing red one and one groaning Toby struggling to stand.

Masky instantly recognized the girl, as he stared at her strong form, 'Where did her wings go?' was all he could think to himself as he tore his gaze from her and looked around his fellow murderers. All of them had the same look in their eye's. Awe-stricken. Frowning slightly, he looked over to Jeff who had the same look but mixed with confusion, he was think the same thing as him. And before he could even react, Jeff was already standing in the hallway, with his hands in his pocket.

"Hey angel..." Jeff voice rung out, causing the girl to tense at the new arrival. "Who the f*ck are you?" She spat, with venom lacing her tone. Jeff smirked and shrugged his shoulders, "Can't believe you forgot me, sweetheart." She growled and tightened her grip on the hatchet, "Care to tell me where I am, hun?" She said in a mocking tone, still laced with absolute danger. Once again, Jeff smirked and shrugged his shoulders, "Nope!" He said, popping the 'p' to annoy the girl. When he looked back up at the girl, her left eye was glowing red. The pupil was now split, similar to that of a cat's and across her cheek and temple, black veins began to spread. He couldn't conceal his surprised face as he remembered the same look she had just before he knocked her out. 'She's resorting back to that other... personality' he thought as the girls teeth grew to long fangs and her ears began to point at the end, making them longer and slimmer. He noticed her nails were growing back to what he remembered her having as she began to giggle uncontrollably. "Well, then..." Her voice was scratchy, low and demonic as she spoke, it made him want to rip at his ears, "I'll just have to kill you." With that said she ran at him, When a loud crack was heard, similar to one hundred bones snapping simultaneously, two large, black angel wings sprouted from her back. Before he could react, she jumped over him, spreading her large wings, and turned (similar to a somersault) in air and kicked him in the lower back, sending him flying a few metres forward. As she ran towards him, a black tendril wrapped around her waist, causing he to scream, not in terror but rage. Behind her stood a very angry Slenderman as he looked at the screaming girl, that was slicing the tendril. "[Y/n]... look at me please." The girl stopped and turned her head to him, giving him a confused look, "What is it?" He voice was back to normal, with only the slight edge to it that made Jeff flinch. Slender reached his hand to her right eye and ran a slender thumb along her cheek. Her right [e/c] seemed to shake as her black pupil changed to a brilliant gold and the iris began to glow with a purple light.

Her breath hitched as her wings began to flutter, her eyes began to glaze over with tears as she seemed to remember all the things she had forgotten. She looked around the room but her focus was distant from anything in there. As Jeff stood up and Toby sat straight, they all watched the girl shake, with the fear she may completely obliterate them any second, it was obvious she was strong. Stronger then they thought. Her eyes locked with what would have been Slenderman's gaze as she whispered something out, her voice as angelic as it was demonic, Slender pulled her into an embrace as she sobbed into his shoulder. At that moment they all realised what the girl chocked out. "Father?"

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