Chapter 16

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[Y/n] sat on one of the leather couches in the living room of the manor, a plate of scrambled eggs in one hand and a fork in the other, contently watching whatever was showing on screen. Sitting in her outstretched legs was the small girl, Sally, who was eating the cereal she had prepared for her and watching along with her. It was a peaceful morning, the other occupants doing whatever they did in the mornings (they weren't bothering her so she couldn't care less), she could finally relax after weeks of stress and--


Scratch that. A long and heavy groan left her throat when she looked at the thin file that had been dropped onto the table. Lolling her head backwards, she looked up at the obnoxiously tall Splendorman and raised her eyebrows in a silent and frustrated question. "I'm sorry, dear. But it seems a spirit has been dragged into the forest again." His voice portrayed a sympathetic tone, feeling even worse when she let out another tired groan. "Goddammit..." She muttered, placing the plate and utensil on the table beside the file, and sliding the now confused girl off her legs to sit independently. As much as [Y/n] loved to get herself into a fight and rough herself and whoever she was fighting up, she was trying to prevent any extreme negative emotions and keep herself calm. It seemed she was deteriorating anyway, despite her efforts, already spiraling into a dark and twisted tale without any hope; the best she could do was just keep strong.
Back to the topic at hand, 'vengeful spirits' is a pretty self-explanatory title, just some ghosts that reek havoc for 'revenge'. They normally get 'dragged' into Slender's forest due to the amount of negative things it had to offer, but a lot of things often do. Vamps, werewolves, faeries, low-powered demons, changelings, djinns, ghouls, kitsunes, even rouge reapers - basically any creature of the night you can think of- but they'e normally taken care of by the Rake giving him a light snack, it's just the spirits he can't digest leaving it to [Y/n] to clear the mess up. She opened up the file and skimmed over the text, it looked like a female spirit was killing off the prey the proxies were meant to clear up and making a mess of it all in the process, it was to be killed as soon as possible so that no unwanted humans would scour the woods. There wasn't as much information as she was used to, Slender was normally the one who commanding these little hunts but it was obvious this one had been left to his brothers, at least she had a name, Elizabeth Renton. She'd just have to research as far as she could, find the grave site and salt and burn the bones. She stood herself up, and patted Sally's head, before shuffling to their seemingly endless library.
Several hours had passed, and she had found next to nothing about this women, all she new was she was a prostitute in the 18th century and died a somewhat disturbing and (boringly) lengthy death. In short, little missy was found with both her eyeballs sliced open, her tongue half eaten and still attached, hands and feet cut off and a hole in her stomach with acid still bubbling inside. Whoever the killer was just didn't have any class. While engrossed in a book, she hardly heard the big doors of the library push open rather slowly, it wasn't until an out-of-breathe Sally caught her attention, "I've brought you dinner, [n/n]." The [h/c] smiled at the nickname and called her over, "Thank you, darling. It seems I lost track of time." She said softly, voice hoarse from not being used for a long period of time. The young girl nodded and look at all the scattered books, "Are you still looking?" she asked, green eyes lighting up with curiosity.
[Y/n] nodded with an annoyed pout over her lips, "It has no information about where this ghosts grave site it." She moaned, slamming the book down after she turned the last page. Sally ginned and tugged at the older girls sleeve, "I'll help!" She called out excitedly, determination thick in her voice, the action being quite amusing to the other female, "Take a crack at it, kid. Don't get frustrated if you can't find anything though." {Y/n] replied with a grin, ruffling the girls hair. Sally huffed and picked up the nearest book, her eyebrows furrowing even further when she heard [Y/n] chuckle at her. "Look Sally, I've read that book, I'll get you another if you wan--" Before she could even complete her sentence, Sally perked up and pointed to a certain point on the page, "Found it!" She called out, absolutely proud of herself, "Spring River Memorial Gardens, buried in the west wings!". [Y/n] could feel her eyebrow twitch as she looked at the information she had supposedly skipped over. She checked that book over 4 hours ago and had completely missed that information. She let out a muffled scream into the palm of her hands before lifting her head and slamming her hands onto the desk, "That's not that far from here! This should be a peace of cake!"

\-/ \-/ \-/ \-/ Skip forward \-/ An hour later \-/ \-/ \-/ \-/

The cloaked girl stood at the rusted gates of the cemetery, she had successfully left behind the brooding Sally, and traveled to the destination with just her feet. The graveyard was actually just on the edge of the forest, just on the opposite end, which was somewhat convenient to her. Entering the dreary land, she instantly felt the ice cold chill crawl on her spine. She turned her head in time to watch the gates shut and her own breathe appear as mist before her, she turned back forward and was face-to face with the thing she was here to kill, "Fu--" She was thrown with such a force before she could even finish the curse, and slammed into a head stone. A low groan left her throat, but she jumped up quickly to face what she was dealing with. The girl seemed too young to be a prostitute and the state she was in made her feel bad for her, it was no wonder she was vengeful. The spirit was approaching her at an alarming rate, but in mere seconds she already had her gun poised and aimed, able to shoot a clean shot of rock salt and watch her dissipate into the air for the time being. She only had about a minute to search for the grave, dig it up and burn it. Great. Her eyes skimmed over what she could see, and around 24 metres ahead of her was Elizabeth's grave, she darted for it using her inhuman speed to gain an advantage, but came short of a few metres when she was grabbed by the neck and thrown into a tree. She was about to shoot again, but the spirit let out a few strangled words, "He.... cwomes... fur... yew... Abomination." {Y/n]'s eyes widened when she heard that horrid title, she forced herself out of her shock and clenched her teeth, firing another round into the b*tch. Picking herself up, she made it the grave and allowed herself to form her hand into a clawed and scaled version, digging the grave up as fast as she could, it was dangerous but she had to. She made it to the wooden box in a few minutes, the ghost must of been worn out from communicating with her giving her a much needed advantage. Literally ripping the coffin's lid off she covered it in salt and lighter fluid then lit the matches, she lifted her head to see the spirit approaching and smirked as she dropped the ignition, watching as the now-screaming spirit burnt into nothingness.
She fell back to the ground and huffed muttering to herself, "So it was true. He decided to finally wage a war against me, it only meant that the real horrors were about to begin. And if low-life spirits knew about it, this wasn't going to be anything petty. If not done right, this could lead to the destruction of life itself."  

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