Chapter 18

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Slender's mind was all the place, unable to think of any sensible conclusion. His long strides took him to the doors and he opened them with a heavy rush of air following and standing there was a very shocked and distressed Splendorman with an unusual serious looking face. "I was coming to give you bad news, but it seems you already know." He said, he voice completely opposite to his normal cheery tone. Slenderman could only nod and as Splendorman teleported the living room, Slenderman teleported to where he felt those wicked wavelengths.
It was a small clearing, an ominous and eerie darkness surrounding the entire circumference. There was obvious disturbance, the ground had a few dents in where he assumed some of them had dug their feet in for grip, broken piece of bark and... a broken tree. With panic swelling through his body the only explanation was [Y/n] was taken byhis underlings - but where was she taken to? He teleported himself back to the manor where many worried faces turned to look at them, "I assume you understand the situation?" He asked, feigning his worry with a calm voice. The first to speak up was Jeff, "How the hell was [Y/n] taken?" He asked, arms flailing out, and many nodding furiously behind him. Slenderman sighed and crossed his long arms, "I believe this is all because of Zalgo."

Groggily, [Y/n]'s mix-matched eyes slowly opened, a stabbing pain shot through her had and she lifted her hand to grip it but stopped when she saw the black leather cuffling with a red leather strap, golden studs and even a intricate looking heart. Her eyebrows scrunched together and he eyes quickly switched to her other hand that adorned the same strap, now that she was taking the time to look over her appearance, she noticed how she was wearing a frilly back with some white mixed into, her eyes furrowed deeper into a frown. She shakily stood up and looked around the large vintage room; the bed had dark wood posts on each corner, a piece of black material covering the top and dark mesh falling to the floor; there were two chairs of the exact same black and gold design; a dressing table with a round mirror and many different things set on top; a doorway leading to a large walk-in wardrobe; and another doorway leading into a fancy looking bathroom. Walking towards the mirror she looked at her own reflection in disdain 'What is this? A f*cking fanfiction? Putting me into a damned dress' She thought to herself, a bitter expression covering her face as she touched yet another cuff around her neck. Her first assumption was that this cute little accessory was blocking her soul was and stopping any 'magic ability' from tapping into her psychical body.


Stomping her foot, she began to pace around the room muttering obscenities under her breathe until a somewhat familiar voice halted her actions, "Wow, I've seen a lot of crazy's in my time but this is just taking the biscuit." There in the doorway were the three fucketeers who knocked her out and kidnapped her, she was just about to stomp her way over there and knock her lights out but the blonde one, Ali, stepped in front of her and calmly apologized. Calming herself down she walked back to the chair and slumped her body into it and crossed her right leg over the left and put her cheek to her right palm. Obviously the girls before her weren't there to fight, in fact there aura was completely different from their first meeting- more calm and orderly- and as the taller one ushered the two in she made herself comfortable. Raven, the brunette, walked over the the bed and sat herself down and placed her hands into her lap, a rather passive look on her face. Luna, the one with white hair, sat in the chair next to her and her normally smirk was replaced with quite an attentive face. Finally, Ali lent her body against one of the bed posts and began to speak, "We just wanted to check up on you." She said, a soft tone making [Y/n] raise an eyebrow, "You know..." She started, looking between the three, "For people who knocked me out rather roughly, you guys are actually quite worried." She stated, not sure what to actually make of the situation, then Raven spoke up, "We only sis it because it was ordered of us, generally we don't like to do that to any 'innocent' people." Her voice was low and very scratchy, like it wasn't used often. [Y/n] slowly nodded her head, understanding what they were telling her. "So... This master of your's... It's who I think it is, right? She asked slowly, watching as the three nodded their heads without looking at her, she slowly closed her eyes and cursed her luck. Silence swept over the room as [Y/n] lifted herself from her seat. Her slow footsteps practically made the other three sweat bullets and her calm, neutral face was just too calm. She paused in front of the , complete silence until-


As she screamed the obscenities, she brought a tight fist high into the air and into the surface of the table, successfully breaking it in half and shattering the mirror.
She took a deep breathe., walked over to her chair and sat once again. With eyes closed and head rested in her hands she simply said,

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker."

Super long break! I'm so sorry! But I've been working on my drama exam and needed to come up with a completely new story for it XD Sorry for the censorship for anyone who was bothered by it.  

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