Chapter 3

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As the hooded figure walked through the dark forest, he couldn't help but be entranced in the black wings that seemed to sprout from her shoulder blades (Well, if someone was to see angel-like black wings, he was pretty sure they too would be taken aback). He noticed a strange feeling on the arm that supported her back, glancing down he saw the ever-growing patch of crimson, "Sh*t..." He muttered as he sat her unconscious form against a tree. Sitting her up, he saw the long gash that went from shoulder to shoulder, carefully slipping off her torn flannel, he inspected the deep cut closer. "Jeff, what the hell did you do?" A familiar voice rang out behind him, as he turned to face the annoying proxie, he groaned.

"I didn't do anything! I think she got from some jocks!" He shouted back in an angry tone. He looked back and noticed the blood spilling out onto her back and his hands. He panicked as he noticed her face paling by the second. The proxie behind him sighed and took off his yellow jacket, "That doesn't matter now," He muttered as he pressed the jacket across her back, quickly changing the yellow into crimson, "We just need to get her back to Slenderman, he said she's very important." Jeff growled as he watched the masked boy pick the bloodied girl up and began walking away. He jumped up and began walking behind them, clenching and un-clenching his fists, as his eye's burned holes into the back of his head. And if looks could kill, the brunette boy would be a pile of ash before him.

Both boy's stopped in front of the old, huge mansion, barely out of breathe despite the large distance they walked. Jeff opened the enormous wooden door, greeted by the sounds of a Link look-alike screaming at the TV, giggling from a monochrome clown and a young girl and the tics of a masked boy. Masky walked behind the lot without them noticing along with Jeff, making there way to Slender. As they walked through the long corridors, with the wallpaper a striking blue and the windows reaching all the the way to the tall ceiling, they glanced about themselves. Reaching Slender's office Jeff gave a low knock following the booming voice of the faceless legend inside their heads, "Come in." Walking in, they boy's stared at the back of the chair, awaiting Slender to say something. "What is her condition, child?" He asked as he turned to both boy's, resting his hands atop the desk.
"She has a large gash along her back, other than that she seems fine." Masky replied in a strong tone. Slender nodded as two tendrils spiraled out of his back, cautiously reaching the girl's unconscious form. Picking her up with care, he inspected the large wigs that lay limp underneath her and her long, sharp nails that were already crusted with blood. "Her transformation has begun, she must stay here." Jeff raised an eyebrow, "Begun? So you mean more to come?" He asked averting his gaze to the pale girl, her breathe slow and shallow, "Don't you think she's been through enough?". A low chuckle emitted from Slender.
"For [Y/n] [L/n], this is barely the beginning." Slender spoke, with a tone full of amusement, causing Jeff to frown, "Now we should get this gash dealt with immediately." He stood as he suddenly teleported to, what they suspected to be, Eyeless Jack's room. Upon the two boy's arrival, they noticed [Y/n] laying face down on the medical table with multiply stitches joining together her recent gash. Slender stood next to the bed as Eyeless Jack cleaned the rest of his supplies. "She'll be fine." Slender spoke, registering the boy's unintentional worried face's and body posture's, "I'd like to congratulate you both." Both boy's raised their eyebrows, even though Mask's was hidden it was obvious to his confusion. This caused Slender to chuckle once again, "You have found the key to our survival. Come here children." He said motioning towards his side. They both rushed to her side, only to blush lightly at the fact of her being in her bra. They took their time to inspect the carefully put stitches until Slender's hand interrupted their view. "Look here, this mark is the sign of demons and angels mixed together. There is a legend to say that there was a creation, made by God and Satan to do their bidding, the most powerful being to exist, more so then their own creators. They say, it would have the wings of the angel's but the horns of the devil, the ice of the heavens but the fire of hell." The boy's eye's widened once they saw the strange mark  that resided around the middle of her back, it had open wings along with decorations spread around them. Slender placed his hands flat against the table, "This is why we need her. [Y/n] is that creation. [Y/n] is Abomination."  

AbominationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang