Chapter 22

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  The doors of the gate were opened slightly, the views of the inside being nothing short of a horrifying nightmare. The killers backed up as they analysed the scene: tortured souls, demons on a rampage, blood raining from the sky - everything you'd expect but actually seeing it a few metres away from you really brought that whole 'fear and horror' aspect. Toby was the first to react to when he saw two oh-so-familiar figures, he has to squint his eyes and rack his brain to see if there were names to match there faces but regretted as soon as he figured it out.
His dear sister, Lyra, was torturing their father. His eyes widened as his jaw slacked open, he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away from his once angelic sister rip apart his dad. He couldn't help but rush forward, reading himself to jump in and knock some sense into her but was held back by Splendor who placed a hand over his mouth a hissed out a very low 'shh'. Toby ripped himself away and stared at the ground, shaking when he heard his sister's laughter (what once was his favourite sound) turn twisted and demonic. Masky patted his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him but couldn't act as though he wasn't effected.
"Now children, once we enter these gates I can not guarantee you will walk out the same or at all." Slender sent the message through their heads and they all practically nodded at the same time, "We do this for [Y/n]. I'll allow you to back out now, it's understandable, but if you wish to come it's on your head." Slender finished. The group looked around at each other, seeing if anyone was willing to back out. Surprising the first person to walk forward was Jane, "I'm not gonna be some weakling, I'm not doing it for her but I refuse to be seen as a coward." She grumbled as she stepped in front of the doors and opened them fully. She stepped in without looking back, and one by one they followed with weary faces. Once in the doors slammed behind them and they stood in the crimson light, drowned by the sounds of screams, looking oddly small against everything around them. All creatures ignored them, which they were fairly thankful for, but it was broken when a hooded figure popped up in front of BEN prompting a long, high pitched squeal from him. The figure pulled down their to reveal a beautiful woman, her skin was dark brown, her hair a deep black colour that created a sort of curly mane around her face, he eyes were fully black as were her painted lips. She rose an eyebrow to the terrified elf but quickly directed her attention to Slenderman. The suit clad man practically dropped to his knee when he eyes fell of him, as did his brothers, which brought a sweet melodic laugh to her lips, "Don't be ridiculous, Slenderman. I'm merely here to guide you to were you wish to be." Her voice was slightly deep and contorted adding to the very posh accent she carried.
"My apologises, Death." Slender sighed as they stood, "If I may ask, why are you doing this."
The woman, now named Death, chuckled and tapped at her temple, "As you know, Abomination and I have quite the bond. I heard her distress, unable to help I thought you and your little group would be able to help in my place."
"Why can't you help?" Jeff spoke up in a rather obnoxious tone that sent every eye in his direction looking absolutely horrified. However, Death merely laughed. "I am true neutral, my child. I cannot intervene, I must let the course be natural." She lifted down the front of her cape slightly which revealed a in the centre of her collar bones that was a shade lighter than her natural tone, "This is the symbol of true neutrality. I am bound to it."
"[Y/n] has that, doesn't she-"
"That she does." Death interrupted Masky, a sullen and serious look taking her features, "But somehow, someway, she was able to destroy it's nature. It is why she if no longer in her true form and has lived away from her home for so long."
Their mouths fell agape as she spoke, "You're tellin' me," L.J begun, a clawed finger pointed accusingly, "That [Y/n], a teenager who literally only recently joined us, can be at the same level as death?"
"If you were to put it that way, yes." Death said, a smirk falling over her features,
L.J stepped back letting his long arm fall to his side, E.J even whispered a small, "What the fuuuuu-"
"Pay no mind to that right now. It's time I lead you to the palace." With that said, she lifted her hood, her eyes glowing a strange yellow colour as soon as they were swallowed by the darkness. She lifted her hand causing black smoke to follow and eventually explode into a large scythe made from bones and black matters that fit beautifully in her hands, "Shall we begin." She growled with a smile that was a deadly mix between playful and sinister.

Short chapter for today. I'm at my last year of school so everything is a bit hectic, I think it's obvious I'll be updating whenever really. But the comments I'm getting are so cool! I love them so much, it shows how awesome you guys are! XD Definitely keep them up! 

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