Chapter 10

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A cheeky grin spread across her face as she stared up at the faceless man. Although her memories of her past lives where foggy, there was a vague image of her fighting the 4 slenders, and she was feeling cocky enough to challenge him. The sun had fully set leaving the sky to be a dark blue and purple colour, the time being around 11 pm, the forest around them seemed only to lead into the abyss, leaving mysterious untold to even the most fearsome monster. The same, comforting chuckle of Slender rang through her head as he nodded, "Of course my dear." He spoke calmly, the chuckle evident in the tone. If possible, [Y/n]'s grin seemed to widen as she carefully set down BEN, as a giggling mess she ran over to the same spot she had always started at. "Come on Slendy!" She shouted out, eager to fight, "Or are 'ya too scared?" She shouted again, jumping on the spot. A more hearty laugh emitted through her head as Slender walked through the boys in long strides, standing opposite to her by only a few metres. She released her wings once again, the same sound accompanying it yet her face stayed in the same cocky smile, the wingspan stretched over 6 metres, truly creating the image of a dark and powerful fallen angel. "You ready old man?"

E.J watched along with the rest of the boy's in silence. They all seemed to be muttering between themselves but he found himself simply admiring the girl before him. Both eyes being a hugely different colour, the right one being a bright [e/c] with specks of violet within the centre, the left eye on the other hand was an illuminos red that seemed to glow out in the darkness of the forest. Her teeth seemed to grow into sharp fangs as she stared with intensity at her opponent and her ears elongated to points, similar to BEN's but slightly longer. [H/c] locks blew in the low breeze, pushing the hair backwards. However, the wings were what fascinated him the most, they seemed to grow from her back yet didn't rip the fabric of her jacket and he noticed before that her wings didn't retract into her back but merely dispersed into a dark mist before disappearing completely. They seemed to only be illusions but that does not explain the pain she felt before. She was definitely strange, strange yet perfect in their eyes.

[Y/n] stared forward, her eyes scanning for any false movements, she could feel her wings burst out from her shoulder blades and her teeth and ears stretch out to points, as she went through her own small transformation Slender released his tendrils causing the forest to become relatively colder and a dim buzzing to call through her head. "Ready?" She said in an excitable tone, a curt nod was her answer, with a chuckle she counted down, "3... 2... 1!" As she reached one a black tendril hurdled towards her, but she learned from her previous mistake and flipped backwards, 'Note to self: Never lose concentration' With that thought in her mind she used her hands to push upwards and landed on the nearby branch. Another tendril shot towards her as she jumped branch to branch in a steady speed, tendrils following close behind, using her hands once again she launched herself towards the back of his head only to be caught by a bloody tendril, she cursed to herself as she was thrown away harshly, changing her limp tumbling to a roll and then into a crouched position mere centimetres from a large tree. With an inhuman growl, she encased her hands with a bright orange flame and a dim blue ice, she shot her right hand forward, blue ice shooting out in sharp points and when it made contact with his face and neck, it created fine but deep cuts causing black blood to seep from the newly found wounds.
With a scowl on her face, she flapped her wings creating a strong gust of wind and flew upwards, once she tried to get close enough, three tendrils simultaneously cut into her stomach and chest, she coughed up a mass amount of blood and pushed herself off of the blood covered limbs and fell to the ground, "You bastard..." she muttered as she picked herself up, just as two tendrils came her ways she jumped just in time and shakily regained her balance. She seemingly teleported in front of his face and planted a hard kick right in the centre, landing swiftly she swept her leg underneath him causing him to lose his balance. In that moment of weakness, she grabbed two hunting knives and stabbed them just above his collarbone, grabbing another two she pushed them into his sides and with another two slashed where his eyes were meant to rest. Landing once again, she smirked evilly as he cried out in pain, grabbing her damascus knife, she easily sliced all ten tendrils that aimed for her. As Slender fell to his knees and held up bloodied hands in a way of surrender, she smiled and fell backwards as a panting mess. Her wings faded into a black mist and her ears and teeth grew back to the dull points they were at originally. She could feel the huge gashes on her stomach close up, for her healing was extremely fast in her demonised state, and watched as her senses dimmed back to normal state(despite them being abnormal compared to others).
[Y/n] shakily stood up once her deep cuts had reduced to bare cuts, noticing that Slender had already composed himself and healed greatly, he teleported to her side and ruffled her hair, "That was brilliant [Y/n], you're stronger than I imagine you being." he said in a some what fatherly tone, with a giggle she placed a blood soaked hand softly onto her stomach, "You definitely gave me a challenge." She croaked out in a hoarse voice, still with that happy grin plastered on her face. The unlikely pair, walked over to the group of boys who had widened mouths and shocked eyes. There was a abundance of silence until the young voice of Sally rang out. "Wow, big sis! That was amazing!" She called out, causing both [Y/n] and Slender to snicker at her behaviour. "Thank you Sally, but I think it's time for bed." She croaked out, pointing to the entry way. With a pout, the young girl nodded and ran inside with her teddy bear. One by one, the boys came up to her and congratulated her for the fight, refusing to admit that they were hugely intimidated by her. As they were dismissed by Slender, [Y/n] leaned against his hip and gripped her head with a groan. Slender hid his concern and teleported them to her room, softly setting her down on the bed. She mumbled her thanks before slumping onto her bed. Slender walked out of the room and placed his head into one of his snow white hands, and muttered out to the silent mansion, "What am I to do when her time comes..."

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