Chapter 14

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It's all she could do.

She didn't need to turn around to know that they were right behind her.

[Y/n] had her [h/c] hair in a scruffy mess, her beautiful black frilled dress was ripped and shredded, and the uncomfortable heels were long forgotten. She could hear them catching up to her, their pointed teeth bared stained with the blood of their past actions.

And she could still hear him laugh.

As if 9 people had their laughter completely in sync.

And she could remember his face.

A calm and straight face stared right at, his lips were pulled into a small and comforting smile, his eyes were soft but a deep dark red and his horns curled around the sides of his face. His skin was a darker tone with a mix of red in there and his pointed teeth poked at his lip every now and then. He was certainly attractive, but [Y/n] wasn't so easily swayed . Even if his perfectly toned chest had just the right amount shown to seduce all around him she was still on edge.

That was until his calming smile twisted into a disgusting smirk, his eyes melted into a disgusting rotten blood colour and his head swung backwards as he began to laugh with insanity. [Y/n] took that as a sign to get the f*ck out of there. She kicked her black heels off and ripped the material of her dress to fit just above her knees. She turned and without wasting a moment, sprinted past the guards and burst through the intricately carved doors, only hearing a loud order from the dual voiced man. She was faced with a long hallway, her only choice was to run straight forward. But halfway through she stopped in her tracks as around 20 new guards blocked her path from the end of the hall, she cursed and whipped her body around, seeing the same guards from inside the throne room slowing inching towards her with large dripping smirks, thinking they had caught her.

Multiple swears left her throat as she looked in front of herself and found her last possible exit. A tall window that only shown the dark bleeding sky. With one final curse she sprinted forward, arms covering her face, and broke through the window. The last thing she heard was those guards screaming orders. She looked down and her eyes widened. She forgot this would result in her plummeting to the ground. With a scream, her black wings burst from her shoulder blades and let her hit the ground with a loud thud. At least she didn't splat. Groaning, she picked herself up and winced, her body felt fine and that's when she remembered. The crystal crown. She brought her hand up and felt the the burning hot crystals blister her skin. Her wings folded back into her body and she looked up. No guards could be seen. Sh*t. Ripping a piece of material off the dress once again, she wrapped up her hand and looked around herself. She was solely surrounded with pitch black forests.
Building up her confidence, she sprinted forward, shutting her eyes as loose branches scratched and ripped at her skin. The crown burned hotter and she could feel her appearance change. Horns curled from her forehead, her ears stretched to points, her teeth grew pointed and ripped her lips along with her fingernails. Her skin began to scale in areas like the front off her arms, around her shoulder blades, around her eyes, and over her shins, the scales had a black-red tint to them making then fairly noticeable.. Her left eye burned slightly as it melted into a blood red colour and she could feel the black veins spread across her paled skin. However, her right eye burned like fire as her entire eye shone with a golden light and began to cry, what looked like, melted gold.
Snapping out of it, she could hear them catching up to her, their pointed teeth bared stained with the blood of their past actions.

And she could still hear him laugh.

As if 9 people had their laughter completely in sync...

Then she blacked out.

With a loud gasp of air, [Y/n] instantly sat up and inspected over herself. No sharp nails. No scales. No horns. No pointy ears. No sharp teeth. And no liquid gold.
Letting out a heavy sigh, [Y/n] flopped backwards. And that's when she realised the others in the room. "[Y/n]? Are you okay?" The rough voice of Laughing Jack caught her attention, in reply she brought her hand up and gave him an enthusiastic looking thumbs-up, "Dandy. Now why are you all in my room." She asked, making it sound more like a statement more than a question. She turned her head and noticed that everyone was exchanging confused looks. With an over-exaggerated, [Y/n] sat herself up, she was faced with a familiar room, it just wasn't hers, it was the medical room. "[Y/n]?" E.J this time. "Do you remember anything?" His voice was slow and cautious causing the said girl to cock an eyebrow and shake her head, "Not exactly..." She answered, digging through her head for some memories, the strange dream set aside for now, "All I can recollect is fighting Jane and I think I passed out halfway through... Sh*t, did I only get one hit on her?" She muttered slowly. Looking back up, she found everything looking at her with shocked faces, "What..." She asked quietly, confused with their expressions. "How can you not remember Slenderman stabbing through your neck! He almost killed you!" Ben shouted, [Y/n]'s eyes widened as everything flooded back to her. A hand clutched her heavily bandaged neck and another clutched her head, pain searing through as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing. "No... No he wouldn't do that. You're lying aren't you?" She asked, a sob being covering by a laugh ending her sentence, she didn't want to look at any of them. But no one answered her, "AREN'T YOU?" She asked once again, her voice rising to a shout caused by the sheer desperation to know that the man she known as father, the only person in her life who treated her as though she wasn't a freak of nature and gave happiness back to her, hadn't tried to kill her. She slowly raised her head, every person in the room avoiding her gaze. Another choked sob left her throat as she clenched her teeth together. She didn't understand why. She didn't do anything wrong, not that she remembered anyway.

A knock at the door caught her attention and she turned her head to find him.

A sigh emitted from Slender, and he bowed his head. Was he going to apologize and explain? No. No he wasn't. The next words shattered her and before she even had a chance to release every ounce of anger onto his sorry ass, he left the room and left her to repeat over and over the words he had just spoke to her.

"Oh... You're alive... I was expecting that to have killed you."

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