Chapter 2

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"GO!" Her voice rang through the quiet forest. The boy's took no time in turning on their heal and running from the maniac, leaving the limp body of Mackenzie. [Y/n]'s psychotic laughter seemed to follow them no matter where they ran. The biggest one of the jock's, named Daniel, fell over from a tree root with a loud crack following, he kept in his screams of pain as he heard the crunching of leaves seemingly mock him. "Now, now! I found my first player!" [Y/n]'s cheerful voice ripped into his ear's as he whimpered. 

"Please don't kill me!" He stuttered shuffling backwards.
She frowns, "But that defeats the whole purpose of the game!" She whines as she easily walks up to the boy, grinning she stamps her foot onto his twisted ankle earning a scream. "I caught you!" She raised her hands above her head, giggling. With one look with her left eye, now completely red with black veins spiraling onto her skin, he screamed. She plunged her hands into his chest while giggling, "This is fun!"

Walking away from the limp body she went through the forest, her black wings fluttering with excitement as she notice a figure standing in the distance. She grinned and ran towards the figure, only to abruptly stop at the sight of his face. Wait... no... there was no face. Before she could talk to the figure it teleported away leaving her with a childish frown. "How rude!" She huffed turning away. Her frown turned to a terrifying grin as she heard two hushed voices. Skipping over to the voices she realised they were facing away from her, 'convenient' she thought causing herself to giggle, grabbing the attention of the two boys, Kieth and Ricky. "Hi!" She smiled and before both could react one hand each was pushed through their chests , splattering the blood, "I'm winning!" She squealed as she let the bodies fall. A sudden movement alerted her as she turned around giggling only to stomp her foot at the empty space.

She walked through the forest while humming the song, 'Secret', swinging her arms like a child. "Boy's?" She teased while kicking sticks, "Come out, come out where ever you are!". The blood dripped from her hands to the ground with sickening splats as she swung them around and her wings fluttered around like a new born bird's. She was stopped when a figure, a male, stood in front of her with a bloodied white hoodie. She noticed the sharp knife in his hand when it glinted from the moon. Smiling she waved, "Hello stranger!" The male looked taken aback as he lifted his head, reveling the lidless eyes and Cheshire smile. Quickly fixing his look he growls at the girl, "[Y/n] right?" She nodded and rocked on the balls of her feet, "Your coming with me." He said with the up most annoyance he could muster. Giggling, she looked at the man, "No I'm not!" As she said that the tall male growled deeply, "Yes you ARE!" As he shouted his answer he leaped onto her, swiftly knocking her out with the handle of his knife, picking her up he began walking through the strange forest. Looking down he muttered to her unconscious form, "Welcome to the family."   

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