Chapter 6

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The girl stared at the faceless man before her, her mind was holding two people. One who had grown up into a family that neglected her for her strange medical condition and another that had lived many lives before, both constantly switching changing who she was. When the faceless man ran his slender thumb underneath her right eye, the other girl took over, flooding her mind with unfamiliar images of her souls time before.

A young girl around the age of 9 with short brown hair and one striking blue eye (for the other was covered with a dirty eye patch) ran around the snow covered ground, just outside of the 'cursed' forest, with a younger boy following her in her pursuit. The boy, no older than 7, also had the same soft brown hair and the brightest sapphire blue eyes, "[Y/n]!" He spoke with a playful tone, "I'm gonna get you!" The girl squealed as she picked up the speed, traveling as fast as her little legs would carry her. "Dylan!" She laughed as she jumped over the stone wall, "Stop, this isn't fair!". She ran away from her little brother, completely ignoring the fact that she headed for the forbidden forest. The boy called after her, his old rags that were make-shift clothes hardly protected him from the harsh winds as his shoe-less feet began to feel numb in the snow, he quickly lost his speed and the sight of his older sister. Worrying, he trudged forward, the once softly falling snow began to worsen the more time he spent outside, "[Y/N]!" He screamed, as loud as his croaking voice would allow him. His glazing blue eyes quickly scanned over the short distance he could see, shielding his eyes, he called out again but with no response. Finally, he let the vast amount of tears fall as he sobbed out for his sister, now standing still in the crowded forest, he let out loud wails of his sister's name. "DYLAN!" A shrill shout was heard in front of him as she ran towards the violently shaking boy. [Y/n] ran to him and quickly wrapped him in a hug, giving him her tattered coat, he realised that her eye-patch was off giving a clear shot of her red eye, currently mostly darkened with the fear she felt. He had noticed that before, in their small house were she would happily go without the patch, her eye's seemed to follow along with her mood. A memory flashed in his mind of when his drunken father had slapped him right across the cheek just as [Y/n] entered through the door, she had quickly grabbed his balled fist and twisted behind his large back, her patch must of slipped off somewhere in that process because he could see how the whole eye was a blood red with a pulsating black pupil along with the ever-growing black veins spreading along her pale cheeks. He shuddered at the thought as he slipped back to the present, met with the softening gaze of his beloved sister. "Let's go home..." She muttered as she scooped up the shaking boy despite his petty complaints.
Along the way, she hummed a soft tune that had lulled Dylan to half-conscience until she had abruptly stopped, he let out soft mummers of protests only to be shushed. He slowly opened his eye's and looked up at his tense sister, just as he was about to speak, he noticed that same terrifying colour in her eye as the veins spiraled down her cheeks. Snapping his head forward he stifled a scream as he saw the faceless monster that stood before them, at least 9 foot tall with 4 slick lack tendrils enveloping out of his mid-back. The 'man' moved towards them, seemingly teleporting, but before he come within a 5 metre radius [Y/n] began sprinting in the opposite direction. She was always more able than he was so running at top speed with him in her arms was almost no struggle.
That was until she let out a loud scream and fell forward onto the ground, looking behind her he saw the same black tendril slipping up her leg, "DYLAN RUN!" She screamed as she pried the boy from her leg, he quickly ran back to her and began pulling her, he ignored her horrified screams as she begged him to run. Tears ran down their faces as she begged and he desperately pulled. Everything came crashing down as he felt a large slick tendril wrapping around his waist. Her screams increased as Dylan struggled in the grip, his screams becoming louder. They were both lifted into the air with ease as both desperately reached for each other. Dylan could feel the tendril tighten around his waist, always being more mature than what he seemed he quickly understood the situation. He was going to die. Quietening his screams, he stopped struggling an looked towards his sobbing sister. Tears ran down his face as he whispered he name, "[Y/n]..." Her head snapped up as he sadly smiled as he remembered all the times that they had laughed with each other, her words circled his mind 'Your the best brother ever! I love you!'. He spoke his last words that she desperately needed to hear with his soft and strained voice, "I love you...". The tendril, tightened just enough to snap his frail body in half as she screeched at the top of her lungs, watching her younger brother fall flat to the floor.
The monster slowly put her down as she collapsed to her knees and sobbed at her brothers quick ending. She had lost the only thing that mattered. The monster's voice rang through her head as she stared to the ground, "Child, you must come with me, you are in great danger, I have ended your brothers suffering, now come with me to make sure his death was not in vain." She had no one, this monster had killed him and now claimed that he had saved him. She stood and looked at him, her eye was on fire as in darkened to an impossible red. "How dare you..." She said, her voice broken, making it sound as if a 1000 voices spoke at once. She lunged towards him, her mind clouded as her hands reached in front of her. She hardly noticed the red fire and sharp ice that shot out of her hands. They stabbed through the monster and she could feel the smirk that grew on his face. She continued to shoot the elements from her hands, continuously hitting him and earning no response. She fell to her knees before him as she panted from the lose of energy. He chuckled. "It really is the Abomination." He said as he crouched before her. He began to explain why he had done what he had done. She only paid attention to seemingly important things; how the heavens and hell would wage a war to gain her trust, how her soul would live on and would take a tragedy to awaken it and how he was there to protect her from the upcoming horrors. She looked at him, with her beautiful blue and red eyes and nodded her head. She would trust him. It was that or go back home and face the terrors that would follow from her brothers death. Plus, she would not allow her brothers death to go in vain. She looked up at the 'man' and weakly nodded, as her once blue eye faded to a strong purple with a golden iris, "Okay... I will trust you, Father."

The memory faded, along with the many others that held her different lives in different eras. Those once separate minds bonded. Her humanity bonded with the monstrosities and her sanity peacefully mixed with her insanity. Her now red and purple eyes glowed with the new found intelligence as she was set down with a wide smile. She was happy, not only because she had found the only man who cared for her. But she had remembered the one person who had given her the strength to carry on, her little brother who would always live in her heart. The little boy named, Dylan.

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