Chapter 21

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A desolate darkness surrounded her, encasing her very being almost immediately. She didn't feel her body slump to the ground, her eyes rolling back into her skull as her mind was completely shut down. Instead she swam in the void that was her mind, her head turning desperately to find any means of escape, any slither of light that might just be the means of her waking up. But there was nothing but an empty space.
​​​​She tried to look down at her hands but, again, didn't see anything through the blanket of darkness. Sighing slightly, she began to move around - maybe this would help in waking her up. It was cold, all she felt was a pinching cold at her fingertips and so silent she could hear her heart beating.
"[Y/n]..." A voice suddenly popped out, she would recognize it anywhere.
"Slender, where are you?" She asked frantically, whipping her head in every direction to catch a glimpse of the pale monster.
"Not here." His voice was broken up and ironically enough, static like. "I can't access your position. Where are you."
She stopped herself from looking and simply closed her eyes, "Zalgo's castle, I got knoc--"
"I know. That's how I'm communicating with you."
"No need to be a smart-ass."
"Now is not the time to argue. Tell me about it."
"What is this, a mother's meeting?"
"Slendy I have this under control, I'm fi-"
"You call being knocked unconscious being in control?"
A groan left her lips and she let her head fall backwards, "Ugh, fine. He has three knights, Alastor, Adrestia and Artemis. Or Ali, Raven and Luna. They're pretty fucking strong, especially as a group, surprise attacks seem to be their strong point. Zalgo hasn't shown me any of his powers yet, but his guards are damn terrifying, luckily not smart."
"Is there anything else?" Slender asked, sounding as though he was taking in all the information.
"He keeps speaking of my memories. Like I've lost them or... something?" [Y/n] answered, her voice fading into a more thoughtful tone. It was almost as if Slenderman froze, his answer didn't come as quick as before like he was contemplating what to say.
"It must be a means of manipulation. Pay no mind on it and focus on staying alive." The end of his sentence was almost impossible to understand and as [Y/n] called out to him everything went silent.
With it now being a deafening silence she crossed her arms in annoyance. She moved her head around once again, still searching for any hopes of light until the feeling of no gravity disappeared and she began to plunge into an endless pit.

She woke up with a start. A heavy gasp for breath and eyes as wide as a deer's caught in a headlight. She went to stand up but looked down at her bound wrists. She wriggled around a bit to find any weak spots in her bindings but the attempt was fruitless. "You... MOTHERFUCKER!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, anger pulsating through her veins as she gritted her teeth. "My my..." Zalgo's voice rang out, hidden in the shadows of the almost pitch black room, "You used to be so calm and collected... now look at you." [Y/n] growled lowly and hung her head, "Why are you doing this?" In response, Zalgo laughed in sickeningly sweet tone and stepped out half way revealing his grinning face, "You never accepted my terms. Now if we have that problem again, I'll be starting my killing spree a little early." When he finished, Raven walked out with Sally, the knights hand gripping Sally's hair and ragging it so she would be forced to look at [Y/n]. Sally's face was stained with tears as she scratched at the knights hands in a futile attempt to let go, [Y/n] looked at Raven with pleading eyes just willing her to let go but the knight just looked away with sad eyes. As Sally struggled, Zalgo stepped towards the chained girl and forced her to look at him by holding her chin, "You disagree, and this happens." He forced her to look back over to Sally and watch as Ali sliced a knife into the skin of her arm.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!" [Y/n] screamed but as she did so, Luna sliced a knife deeply across her hip, "SHE'S JUST A KID." Again another slice. Sally's scream's ripped at her soul and she couldn't take it anymore. "STOP! I'LL DO IT, OKAY. I AGREE." Zalgo laughed once again and signaled for the knights to dropped the girl who was now covered in her own blood. "Wasn't that hard, now was it?" He said before disappearing and letting the shackles fall off.

Everyone in the Slender mansion was suited up. He's never seen a group of murder-driven teenagers so scared at the thought of death. It became all too real when Slender told them the information that [Y/n] had been able to share. After the loss in connection he had to support himself against a wall with the sudden drain of all his energy, to be able to talk to her was nothing short of a miracle but it was a major struggle to pass through so many mental walls. The conversation must of lasted longer than he had expected, his subordinates whipped their heads towards him with widened eyes (except Jeff because... ya'know... no eyelids) and had made a storm of questions he could barely comprehend. He quietened them quickly with a loud command, built up the strength and summoned his brothers to come immediately. The message was something along the lines of 'Zalgo is looking to destroy the world properly this time and I'm freaking out. Help.'
With all the commotion and their guards down they failed to notice the heavy presence of something going terribly wrong until they were all silenced by Sally's bloodcurdling scream, they all jumped into action but by the time Bloody Painter reached her upturned room and absolute silence they realised their mistake.
This was becoming all too real, and they all knew that this was something they weren't made for. All of them were so cocky before, BEN, L.J and Jeff making comments on how they would murder the guards in some 'tasteful' ways, the proxy's coming up with multiple strategies and everyone else just fucking around. They were so used to living in such ignorance to what world they actually lived in and with every event the had all realised this was a war the were fighting, a war between powers they could hardly comprehend. The glances they gave each other were nothing short of a last goodbye.
As Slender teleported himself back to the living room, met with the faces of his brothers, he nodded and decided that even though no one was ready they had no time to prepare. All they could prepare for was a bloodbath.

" Et velum inter geminae mundos subtiles. In planum secundum dare nobis transitum Inferni. Abominatio, et pro nobis, ut nos protegat: et non misericordiam defexit. Aperite portas inferni!"*

As they finished their chant, the whole mansion filled with the screams of the damned souls and a door covered over the wall offering a view into another world.

Hey everyone! I know I've really neglected this story but I've been really void of any motivation and couldn't bring myself to write, also there's been a few personal issues that have interfered so it definitely isn't my best piece of writing but it's still here. I hope you enjoyed!

*I used google translate so this probably won't make any sense if you tried to reverse it so to save the trouble this is what it means,
"May the veil between our two worlds thin. Allow us to pass through to the second plane of hell. May Abomination protect us and offer her kindness not malicious intent. Open the gates of hell!"

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