Chapter 15

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A few weeks had passed and [Y/n] was anything but happy. Her injuries had fully healed but that one sentence Slenderman had uttered had taken every inch of self-worth from her. The one being she had trusted in a world were she was tortured for being different, the one person she thought she could fall back, her father, had attempted to kill her. She had become obsessed with understanding why, yet Slender had isolated himself to solely his office. It angered her to no end, but she suppressed it enough to become acquainted with the members of the manor. She barely even knew them through the first couple of days when she was awoken and thought it would just be awkward is she didn't even bother to remember their names. Throughout the several weeks of her suppressed anger she had the chance to get fairly close with this new family.
With Jeff, she had thrown knives with him and had many 'play fights'.
With E.J, she taught him everything she knew about the human anatomy and even tried the kidneys he had reaped for the them both.
With BEN, she played LoZ to no end, showing off her skills.
With L.J, she made poisonous sweets and ventured his monochrome carnival with twisted laughter.
With Sally, she played to her hearts content, extended stamina meaning it would last hours before she even felt tired.
With Masky, she trained with him his raw strength and her speed becoming an unbeatable pair.
With Hoodie, she taught him how to shoot a gun without failure and he taught her how to use her surroundings to her advantage.
With Toby, she taught him all the factors of his diseases, going into deal about his non-functioning synapses, and he taught her all about stealth.
The Slender brothers acted as though nothing had happened and she was almost thankful for it, if anything she was going to fix this all by herself. She even became friends with the people who visited the manor, the Puppeteer, Bloody Painter, and her favourite, Judge Angel (the sword was too much fun).

But every time her home became lavished with silence, she let out every piece of ragged emotion out. She would quietly stalk to the library and read until someone would accidentally interrupt her hours later. She had to know what was wrong with her head, constant voices or bursts of unbelievable rage. Her dreams were filled with fire, blood and anguish, she barely slept anymore in fear that she would have to watch those images flash through her head. Sometimes, when she felt the anger stab at her head, she'd go deep into the forest and let her emotions run wild, her eyes would glow with a murderous content and her powers would manipulate the environment around her.

She just couldn't understand what was happening to her.

She could feel herself getting stronger, more dangerous, and losing what little humanity she had left. She clung to her new family like it was the strand of hope she had left of stopping her from destroying herself. The voices disappeared whenever she shared a joke with the others or her growing hatred dissolved when she was brought into another childish debate. But she still wasn't happy.

She would either wake up or just leave her trance, and her heart would sink with the mere thought of existing through the day. Her brain would almost want to skip through all the fun times she had with her friends but she still clutched onto that hope. And at night, she would sink into her mattress and stare at her dark walls while having an internal argument with the voices, or she would go on her nightly rampages. It was obvious in these small moments of weakness she was falling apart.

There was just one factor that angered her more than anything. That voice. It was so similar, like she had known it all her life yet so unfamiliar to her. Comforting yet chilling. Fatherly but predatory. It filled her thoughts in moments of silence, or encouraged her destruction when in moments of rage.


In this moment, she sat in her small bathroom with her hand over her head, rocking back and forth and willing the forces to just die.

'You die first'

One would snicker causing her to clench her teeth and tighten the grip she had one her scalp. She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn't realise she was muttering the words she thought in a pained voice, loud enough that wandering E.J had heard her. He tapped on her door, hoping that it was just loud enough for her to hear. When there was no reply but the constant muttering of her shaky voice, he tried the door, glad it was unlocked. Entering her room with light footsteps, he readied himself to spout out apologies and excuses to a sleep-deprived [Y/n] but found that her voice was echoing from the bathroom.
He was eyeless, but the deal he had made with Slender gave him his vision back in black and white allowing him to see in the dark and see movement quite clearly. But the wondrous thing about [Y/n]'s eyes was her could see the dull red and the sparks of [e/c] and gold in her eyes. He didn't know why this was but he certainly wasn't complaining.
He took a deep breathe when he stood in front if the doorway for the bathroom, preparing himself for whatever may be thrown at him, and opened the door. He was rather surprised to see a shaking, [Y/n] shaped mess in the corner. He rushed over to her and removed her clenched hands from her head and cocked his head when her dully coloured eyes snapped towards him with a mix of relief and fear. She didn't say anything but launched herself into his arms, quietly thanking him for whatever reason. He slowly wrapped his arms around her and rubbed circles on her back, it wasn't as though she as clutching onto him but the look in her eyes told him that she was in need of some comforting. He pulled back and noticed the heavy shadows surrounding her eyes and frowned, rearranging the two he sat beside her and slung on arm over her shoulders, bringing her close, and his other hand tightly held onto her scarred one.
Words needn't of been spoken, his simple presence was enough to calm her and quiet the voices. She lent her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes, actual calmness swarming over her body. The cold tiles were now numb on her skin and she focused exclusively on the warmth he emitted. For the first time in weeks, she drifted off into a dreamless slumber. 

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