Chapter 7

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So this is your outfit ^^^! I know that's a man but all the female ones weren't 'practical', so use that wonderful imagination of yours!
The 7 boys all looked at the girl as she was gently placed down by Slender. A large smile was stretched on her lips, showing the slightly sharpened teeth, the ears were at a normal size but were still pointed at the end and her nails were now just a dull black. Her bare feet shuffled under their intense stares, her bloody jeans were now ripped from where branches had cut them, the large hoodie slipped down to her mid-thigh while the left sleeve hung down below her fingertips and the right stayed bunched up by her elbow. Despite her bloodied and disheveled look, she still seemed angelic and perfect. The awkward silence lay thick in the corridor, until a little girl came running up to her, "I have a big sister!" She shouted as she jumped towards her. [Y/n]'s eyes widened as she skillfully caught the girl and lightly returned her excited hug, "Hello..." She said, as she looked into the young girls big green eyes, now holding her at her own hip she decided to ask the question, "Who are you, sweetie?" Her voice was calm and welcoming. "I'm Sally!" The little girl exclaimed while hugging a teddy bear to her chest, "And this is Charlie, he said you looked very pretty!" Her voice was loud and excited, as [Y/n]'s smile widened and she bowed her head to the bear, "Thank you very much Charlie." Sally jumped out of her arms and stood directly in front of her, her childish grin never fading. "What's your name?" [Y/n] knelt down so she was eye level with Sally, "I am [Y/n] [Y/l/n], it is a pleasure to meet you both." She said in a faked posh accent as she extended her hand out to the young girl, who giggled and unintentionally shook it harshly. Without letting go, Sally turned and began to drag [Y/n] towards the group of boys. [Y/n] stumbled but was able to keep upright 'God she's strong...' she thought as she was stopped in front of the said group of boys.
Sally giggled and kept a hold of [Y/n]'s hand, she then pointed to a monochrome clown, "That's Laughing Jack, but we call him L.J." L.J chuckled and waved at [Y/n], who returned with a shy wave. "That's Masky." She said pointing to a boy with a yellow jacket and a white mask with feminine black features, she smiled at him while he timidly waved. Next was a boy with a orange hoodie and a black mask were the eyes and frown where stitched, "That's Hoodie." She spoke as he looked downwards at her bright smile. "Next is-" She was cut of when a boy with orange goggles and a striped mouth-guard, who seemed quite hyperactive, spoke loudly, "I'm Toby!" [Y/n] gave him a smile while she rubbed the back of her neck, "Sorry about before..." She mumbled as he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders as a response. Next, Sally pointed to a pale boy with a Cheshire smile and burned eyes, "That's Jeff." She said in her normal happy tone, again [Y/n] looked down embarrassed, "Sorry about before too..." this time Jeff just shrugged, "Things happen." He said plainly as [Y/n] smiled up at him. After, Sally pointed to a elfish boy, just taller than herself, "That's BEN." He simply smiled to her, to which she instantly returned. Lastly, there was a boy with a blue mask with black sockets oozing black goo, along with a similar hoodie, "And that's Eyeless Jack, but we call him E.J." [Y/n] smiled and looked down at the hoodie she was wearing, "I guess this is yours..." She muttered as she pointed to the hoodie, "I don't mind." He said calmly as [Y/n] nodded and turned to Slender. "Have you still got my gear?" She said, in an excited tone, as Slender nodded he signaled for the others to go back to the living room while he grabbed her hand. Sally pouted, but followed them all to the room, "See ya soon big sis!" She sang running after L.J.

Everyone plopped down onto either the couch or the floor, "Well that was something..." Jeff muttered as he rubbed his back from where she had kicked him. Everyone groaned in response as Sally jumped up and frowned at Jeff with her hands on her hips, "Don't talk about my big sis like that!" She said with a whining tone. Jeff huffed and turned to her, "You didn't get smashed in the back with extreme force, I have the right to say that." He hissed back, as Sally jumped back on the couch with a pout. "You did put yourself in that situation though." Masky chuckled looking over at him, as Jeff just flipped him off. BEN snickered, and turned back to his video-game, "I like her." He said and turned to Jeff, "Do you reckon she'd hate Jane?" He chuckled as Jeff shrugged, "I bet you, she'll come down in some skimpy dress like that b*tches and become best friends." He spat with an annoyed expression. However, before BEN could answer the door quickly opened and there stood Slenderman with [Y/n] standing next to him. All their jaws dropped.
[Y/n] stood in the doorway, with grey skinny jeans, a green top, a musky yellow jacket and a cap with black goggled sitting on top. Along her torso where two black and brown leather straps crossing each other with 5 slots on each one, small hunting dagger's* where placed in slots that ran across it. There was a small bag at the right side of her hip and an old smith and wesson pistol* on her left hip. Also on her left thigh, in a sheath, sat an old damascus hunting knife*. [Y/n] raised an eyebrow at their surprised faces but decided to leave it her questions unspoken. BEN leaned over to Jeff, keeping his eyes on [Y/n], "I think you just lost that bet..."


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