Chapter 26

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[Y/n] opened her arms and let Raven drop to the ground, the said knight fell onto her knees before being able to recover herself; as she got up she held a hand to her neck and sent a look over to Ali,  "We should get going." She said with a low and scratchy voice.
"The sooner the better." [Y/n] muttered and began to jog down the hall, shouting for the other two to follow quickly.

Zalgo stood near the front doors of his 'mansion', his tall and lanky figure looking relaxed as he looked over the little bundle of killers,  they were stood rather pathetically with their various weapons raised in the fear that his guards would spring to life and rain down on them like hell fire.  He was simply waiting,  he knew that Miss. Edgy was going to come bursting through the doors behind him and start fighting her little heart out, but she was going against a God and with the lack of her memories and no knowledge on the full extent of what she could do, he would be able to destroy her and what little balance she subconsciously had over everything - finally being able to take control of all three realms.  As if on cue, the large mahogany doors swing open to reveal the fairly bloody Abomination with his two knights at her side.  "My goodness~ My faithful knights are on the side of enemy, I am wounded." He looked [Y/n] up and down and chuckled lightly, "Not as much as you, however." 
The red demon was almost disappointed, the shorter girl looked ready to drop any second.  The makeshift outfit was thoroughly stained with blood as was her snarling face, the majority of the skin on her right side seemed to have been ripped off, the muscle left behind pulsing with her rapid heartbeat.  "You son of bitch..." She growled, taking a few steps towards him, "Involving other's is a low tactic, even for scum like you."
"If it means I win, I shouldn't have to worry about chivalry." Zalgo responded with a shrug of his shoulders, "Now that you're here I suppose you want to battle, save your friends, and party back on top like the close family you are?" He lifted an eyebrow, a tantalising smirk ever present on his lips.
"Something like that," [Y/n] started, cracking her stained knuckles with something of an amused expression, "But before we start, I must ask what you meant by this note."
She threw the neatly folded letter on the ground, the edges ever so slightly tinged brown with blood.  Zalgo waved a hand causing a guard to quickly pick it up and place it lightly in his hand before rushing off, he opened it and saw his own cursive neat handwriting sprawled across the page,
"Memories will soon come back. Be prepared for anything. Expect the Unexpected. There is no fairness in hell or heaven as you should know."   
"What memories? I think it only fair for you to answer my questions with all the troubles you've caused me."
Once again, Zalgo chuckled with a heavy sigh following it.  He pointed up at the left side of his face, "Red eyes aren't exactly natural are they?  Mortals can have some wierd mutations occur but that shade is medically impossible.  So, why do you think you have it?"
"I'm obviously not human." [Y/n] replied, gesturing towards herself vaguely. 
"Obviously, yes.  But why are you not human?"
"Look dude, I just want you to answer my questions not--"
"Everything that is not human is created with a reason behind it, simple knowledge." Zalgo interrupted her quickly, cocking his head slightly to the left, "You know of all those past lives you have lived.  Have you ever thought why such a powerful being was made so randomly centuries ago?"
[Y/n] looked down, consumed by her own confusion, "It was because my brother died and then-then Slender took me in and trained me and... and..." She trailed off, closing her eyes while trying to think of one reason why.  Zalgo laughed heartily, enjoying the almost pained expression that she was making,  "The only things made after the worlds beginnings are Tulpas, monsters that spring up when enough belief is put into it;  but nobody has ever heard of the Abomination, you don't even fully understand it, do you?" He asked, causing himself to laugh even harder, "I could feel bad for you if I tried! Oh, you look like a lost child!"
[Y/n] clenched her fists, watching the man sway with his laughter, "What the fuck are you talking about!" Tell me!" Her voice dropped a couple decibels, layering heavily making everyone in earshot flinch at what otherworldly tone had escaped her.  Yet another lazy smirk covered his face, he hunched in his laughter and when he lifted his head, black blood was pouring from the orifices on his face.
"The great Abomination was created to keep balance between all three realms.  Hell, Earth and Heaven, all needed the influence from the other but enough influence that would keep them in check.  You - YOU were made to keep control, you destroyed the full influence I had over humanity! You were made in the image of humanity so of course you made so many damned mistakes, ironically enough, you fell into the grips of hell's temptation and lost your spot on the divine pedestal and fell.  You became some half-arsed version of a God, forgetting whatever purpose you had!"
His voice was hysteric, long limbs thrashed about as he spoke and [Y/n] just watched in horror, barely being able to take in the information.  'I had that much power?'  She thought to herself, staring down at her own hands.
"What he says is true." [Y/n] eyes connected with a pair of charcoal back ones.  The woman had materialized before her in a puff of black smoke, her tall figure looming impossibly over her own, "Who are you?" She asked with the same ear piercing tone, the figure before her seemed unaffected and smiled lightly, "An old friend." The women's voice was coated with a sadness she didn't understand and before she could fully react, her slender hands grasped the sides of face.  Black veins traveled from were her hands covered and filled [Y/n]'s with the same chalky darkness.  Zalgo yelled out a protest once he saw what had happened but [Y/n]'s scream swallowed all sounds around her for a few seconds until both figures dropped to their knees.
[Y/n] head reeled with pain, the pressure that was built burst the blood vessels in her nose and eyes causing them to spew with blood.  Eons worth of memories filtered through her head and she gripped the ground in some attempt to balance herself.  New found power surged through her body, ripping apart muscles and stitching them back stronger; her wings convulsed in twisted pulses, the black feathers merging into more of a grey colour.  Two gentle hands once again grasped the sides of her face quickly grounding her and lifted her head to look into the same obsidian eyes, this time the familiarity overwhelmed her and she found herself resting her own hands on the ones that held her face, when she spoke her voice was almost pleasant through her heavy pants, "Hello, old friend." She spoke with  a small smile. 

I do believe the climax has arrived! Which means this tale will be coming to a close in a few chapters!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I'll (hopefully) see you soon! :)

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