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Gold has me locked in a dark cage. Suddenly, I see a flicker of candlelight, and I hear someone call out, "Hello?"


"Amber? I thought I saw Rumple bringing food down here, so I thought I'd investigate. Don't worry, I know where he hides the key." She returns a minute later with a tiny golden key.

"Belle, I can't leave."

"Why not?"

"I made a deal with Gold. I have to stay his prisoner, or he'll come after me, and I don't want to find out what happens next."

"Did he say why he wants you as his prisoner?"

"No, but I asked if there was any other way for me to get what I needed from him and he told me this was the best thing he could offer me. I'm scared, Belle."

"I know you are honey," Belle says as she walks towards me and gives me a hug. "I'll stay here with you through the night. I know it must be scary, being all alone, in the dark, trapped in a cage. As long as I'm back in bed before Rumple wakes up tomorrow, he never has to know I was here."

Belle and I lay down on the cold cement floor, and I curl up next to her. She holds me close and strokes my hair.  As I fall asleep I think how nice it is to have someone like Belle here with me as I face whatever Gold has planned.

Once Upon a Time- Regina's daughter: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now