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Maggie and I are sitting in the dungeon.

"Do you think Caleb has found someone and told them what happened?" I ask.

"No way of knowing," she replies.

"Do you think he wants to get me back?"

"Are we seriously taking about your love life when we could be killed at any moment?"

"Jasmine won't kill us without a good reason, we haven't done anything for her yet. If she wanted us dead, she would have let us drown. She wants us alive, but in her control."

I hear footsteps and put my hands in front of my face without even thinking. I have no idea what purpose I thought that would serve.

"Yeah, because she can't see you if you cover your eyes," says a male voice, and I open my eyes to see Caleb standing before me.

"What are you doing here? You have to leave, before Jasmine finds you, she's forbidden me from ever seeing you. You're in serious danger, you have to-"

"Shhhh," he says, putting a finger to my lips. "I have a plan. I'm going to ask Jasmine for a negotiation, see if there's anything I can do to set you free. Meet me in the alleyway down the street, we'll talk then." And with that he runs up the stairs, probably to his death.

I sink to the floor and sob. Maggie comes over and sits with me.

"He's going to die because of me."

Once Upon a Time- Regina's daughter: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now