You Had One Thing To Do and You Failed!!

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Chapter 2

Boston Massachusetts April 7th 8:22 in the morning,Why the fuck it constantly feels like I have eternal bleeding coming from my heart?I wonder if it's coming from stress or having something to do with all that's going on?I feel the panic attacks attacking the attacks that lives inside me.It feels so fucking horrible,but hard to say that I feel free,all at once.

This may sound weird as fuck but,I really do think/believe that even my depression has it's own pressure towards it.It's like the pressure that my depression has,it gives me a lot of weird feelings going through my body,as if it is chills or some sort.Fuck I worry to damn much!But I already know that after today,shit go get real fucked up.

Time goes by....12:03 in the afternoon,I start to dial the godmother number....The phone starts to ring....

Did you take care of that job?

Yeah it's done.


There's something else....

What is it?


Okay what about her,Godmother Kill Joy asks?

I'm afraid to say that she's not go make it home for whatever your waiting on her for.


Because I couldn't do that to her.She's my best friend and family.I wouldn't think to do that to her.

You had one fucking thing to do!Why do you have to fail at some important shit?

I'm sorry.

No there is no im sorry.Your going to kill her and bring me her head as proof to killing her.

I won't do it,Arielle says!

Come on now.Who do you love more,your parents or what?Cause if you don't kill her,im going to kill every fucking one you love and ever loved.

*Phone get's silent*

Do you got that?

Yes I got it.

Good,now don't disappoint me.Your my best hitgirl.


Get it done,I'll reward you,Godmother Kill Joy says.

Mhm alright.

You have 3 hour's or it's on you.I advise you to choose wisely,don't make the wrong choice and cross me.


Hangs the phone up.

I can't kill her,what the fuck!

Now let's jump back to Maryanne life....

Time goes by....2:40 in the afternoon,My phone starts to ring....


Hey girl,what you doing?

Not much,just got back from shopping.What about you?

Pretty much nothing,just on my way to this meeting.

What meeting?

The meeting we was suppose to have with godfather.

But I don't want to go to that meeting.What's the point foreal,Maryanne asks?

I know you don't.The point is that,you have to suck that shit up and get over it.

Uh no.

Fuck it,I need you to leave town.Until I say come back.

Sigh fine.Wait why?

Thank you and I'll explain all that later,just go.

Yeah yeah,whatever.

It's go be okay.But if anything happen,I want you to know thag I love you,Arielle says.

Shut up.I love you too.


See you later.

Hangs the phone up,packed 2 bags,grabbed the money out my safe,went to go get in my matte red 2016 Silverado 1500,locked up the house and start driving to Florida Miami....

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