Now I Wish I Meant Something To You

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Chapter 7

May 19th 5:37 in the afternoon,Alot of people would ask or say to me:Why are you so down and depressed over break ups?Your still here to live another day and be able to find your real true love.Why are you so hard on yourself over love?Etc boring ass questions?

My response to all of it or part of it,would be something like this:Yes all my bad ex's hurt me,but it hurts more pushing the good one's away,when some of them wanted to stay.I want the good one's to stay!So quit telling me what I should do,just cause you want to protect me!I am officially over every fucking thing that's going on in my life,and it hurts me so much that I ever went through it,but oh well.It is what it is,I guess.

I really didn't mean anything to the bad ex's after all.I only got used and abused.And for what huh?And for what?Just for doing my part being faithful,loyal,trust worthy and etc.When you was the one out cheating every night!?

Time goes by....10:14 in the evening,Omg I forgot to mention this to y'all.Okay so recently I bought a big beautiful house,out here in Florida.And I know some of you are thinking:Do you still have your house in Boston?When are you going back?Why haven't you talked to Arielle since she told you to disappear for awhile?Etc questions?

I was just bout to get to all that.No I don't still have my house in Boston.Whenever I get that call from Arielle,letting me know that I can come back.Why I haven't talked to Arielle since she told me to disappear for awhile,I'll explain later.Other questions,no I don't really have a reason to go back and live in Boston.My twins are grown and live nowhere in Boston.My daughter Heidi,lives with her cousin Summer in California and my son Trevor,lives in Ohio.I'm not married and just mainly a widow.

But let me get to what's really important:Where the fuck is Arielle?It's been a month and 12 day's since I spoke to her.Everytime someone trying to call her phone,it goes straight to voicemail.Everytime we text her,she doesn't respond,hell it even say that the message was never read.There's something really wrong here and I don't know what the hell it can be....

Now let's jump back to Arielle life in her new home,in Ohio....

Time goes by....3:55 in the morning,I'm enjoying my new house and happy that I can start fresh again.Maybe sometime this week,I'll go see Trevor or just stop by and see how he's doing.But is it okay if I share something with y'all,that's been on my mind for awhile?

I did alot of dumb shit in my life and I know that there's going to be more dumb shit coming soon.And I also know that the 1 thing that I was suppose to do for godmother Kill Joy,when my life was on the line.I didn't do.All I did was lie and tell Maryanne to just disappear for awhile.
I wish godfather Don,was back from his vacation in Hawaii.Everything would've been better and he wouldn't kill his own family,no matter what they did.But that's the difference between godmother Kill Joy and godfather Don.Godmother don't give a shit about anything and no family member that fucked her over or etc,doesn't mean shit to her.Godfather will try to actually talk it out with you and listen to why you did what you did.It's hard to explain how different and awesome he is,compared to godmother.You know?
Hell she only acting this way and doing all this shit cause,godfather is still out of town and probably won't be back until like June or July.But moral of me sharing all this with y'all is that....It's not good to work for a member in your family,who is one of the biggest mafia's in 8 state's.You'll find out later,why I said that and what I really mean,besides just that.

Oh yeah by the way,it's hard for me to call or text Maryanne and tell her what's really been going on.So im just going to lie and play it cool,and hope that she doesn't find out.

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