Was It Worth It!!??

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Chapter 6

May 12th 4:15 in the morning,Heart breaking and my fucking stomach is aching over what was suppose to be left in the past,guess it's not.I guess there's some thing's that's going to bring back old memories and some old feelings that left me to have my heart breaking and stomach aching as I speak.

Do you ever get that feeling when you just got your heart broken and it feels like you hear the sound of your heart breaking,piece by piece?That's a weird/fucked up sound and feeling to deal with,when your feeling like your all the way at rock bottom.

All said and done:Nothing is really worth having to live your life like your ready to die,each and every day.

Remember that please!For the sake of your heart and feelings!

Time goes by....8:01 in the morning,Why do I have so much anger and upset inside me?Why am I hating and punishing myself so damn much?Why can't I just be normal like popular people?I know that there's some thing's wrong with me,but I deserve some damn respect from not being the one that everyone talks about or look at funny.

I really need to leave Boston,so im going to go look at some house's.And see what I come across....

Now let's jump back to Maryanne life in Florida Miami,that's if she's still there....

Time goes by....2:53 in the afternoon,My phone starts to ring....


Where have you been?

I've been busy.

You been getting busy?

That's none of your damn business.

It's cool,just tell me who it is?

All you need to know is that,it's not you,Maryanne says.

It can be,just tell me where you at?


Come on,why not?

Because,you killed what was left of the good in me.How do you expect me to forgive you for that?

I couldn't have killed all of it.

Yes you did.What do you want anyway?

You,Pete says.

Well you can't have me.You lost that opportunity a long time ago.

It's been 5 year's.Give me another chance.

It's go be another 5 year's and more 5 year's after that.That's the problem,I gave you to many chances and what do you do?You fuck it up!You fucked up alot of thing's for me.

I understand that.

No you don't,so goodbye.I hope it was worth it.

Don't hang up.

To late,Maryanne says.

Hangs the phone up.

He got some nerve,trying to come back into my life!Now I wonder if it's worth getting her heart broken again..??

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