Don't be afraid.........

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Chapter 14

July 15th 4:05 in the afternoon,If your ever afraid to do or be anything,don't be cause it'll work out for you when you let it,sometimes it takes time and I believe that everyone is impatient just to wait around for the better good to come.No one should be afraid to stand up and take what's theirs in the first place.
It isn't right to have to be so afraid or terrified of your anxiety,self doubt,paranoia,fucked up life,fucked up family,fucked up every fucking thing.Every day,it's right for you to ask yourself or just simply ask why you or some people have to go through that or be afraid of it and have it eat you alive.The more shit that eats you alive,the more you start to lose your mind about it.

Hell,how can you not?

Time goes by....6:24 in the afternoon,Let me kick some knowledge to y'all about some shit real quick.

I always hear people saying that they’re scared to fall in love again, and while I get it, I don’t feel the same way. For me, the most terrifying part of getting into a new relationship isn’t the part in which my heart goes into overdrive when the object of my affection makes eye contact with me, but the part in which he looks me in the eyes and tells me it’s over. This is why the reasons I want to run away from relationships have nothing to do with love and everything to do with the risk of heartache that comes with it.

Sometimes I think I’m creating a self-fulfilling prophecy: I expect things to fall apart, so my paranoia ends up destroying the relationship I’m in. I know it’s not healthy, but I can’t stop myself. As much as I love finding someone I connect with on such a deep level, my experience has shown me that it’s only a matter of time before my heart gets broken, and something inside me keeps telling me that it’s better to be prepared.

Now let's jump back to Maryanne life in Florida....

Time goes by....10:51 in the afternoon,I'm not afraid to love again or feel as if every guy I meet,is like having one of my horrible ex's back.I'm going to make it to the top with or without them,it doesn't fucking matter to mean,that's one of my least problems.I am who I am and I don't think or believe anyone can really help me,help me not to be more normal or be like any other girl.I'm fucking unique and I tend to keep it that way,as long as I can with this ticking bomb feeling on my heart,waiting to explode.The sad and terrifying shit behind all that is,no one knows when that ticking will stop or when it'll kill me....

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