Never turn your Back on Family,even if they Do.......

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Chapter 9

June 4th 8:52 in the evening,My phone starts to ring....


How you been?

I've been good.Where the fuck have you been at?

Long story.

I'm listening.

I can't explain it right now.

Why not,Maryanne asks?

Just can't.

Okay,well answer this....What the hell happened to you calling me and telling me why I had to leave town?What happened to you telling me that I can come back?

I can't explain that right now either,im sorry.

What the fuck!Fine,so what's been up?

Not much,but have you heard?

Heard what?

Godfather Don is back in town,Arielle says.

I don't live in Boston no more.

Yeah me either.Where do you live?

Florida Miami.What about you?



Why what?Why did I move here or what made me leave Boston?

Both,Maryanne says.

Long story and I had to leave Boston for a reason.

Okay,what was the reason?

You'll find out later on down the line.

What's that suppose to mean?

You'll find out later on down the line.

What the hell is going on?

Nothing is going on,Arielle says.

You promise?

Yes I promise.


Meet me at Godfather house.

Nigga,that's all the way in Boston.I don't have a house out there.

Yeah yeah,not the point.Just get there tonight.

Tonight,Maryanne asks?

Yes tonight.

Why tonight?

Just do it.

Alright see you there.


Hangs the phone up,grabbed my key's and headed straight to the airport to hop on the next plane to Boston Massachusetts....

Time goes by....12:09 in the morning,I get to Boston and headed on over to godfather's house....

I get to the house,get out the car,see Arielle....

Hey,I just want you to know if anything goes wrong or sour tonight,I love you.

I love you to girl!Now let's get in here.


We walk in....

What's up everyone?

It's so great to see you Maryanne!How have you been,Godfather Don asks?

I've been great!How was the vacation?

It was amazing,thanks for asking.

No problem.

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