Why did you hurt me!!??

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Chapter 15

July 21st 1:16 in the morning,Love hurted me more than I deserve,how can love be so cruel?I would do and put my all into love just to have or find true love more than it deserve,why am I such a fool?

There's so much screaming built inside me that wants/needs to be released but how do all of that work out?How do I break free from what's suppose to be my head and mind?What the hell is wrong with me and why am I having so much horrible images and thoughts?God,I need some help with everything.I'm freaking out on the inside and out,towards how my life is going,towards how everything with me is going.Fuck!Why am I going through this?I want to scream so fucking loud but if I do,then people would look at me crazy and ask me:What's wrong?

I can't tell or explain that to you that,all I end up doing is saying fuck alot if something is bugging the hell out of me or torturing me to death,just like the screaming.

Damn I hate how my life turned out to be!

Wait there's more!

Time goes by....5:32 in the morning,Damn there's so much scribbling on the wall's and there's been this image lately of love just cheating,lieing and keeping shit from me.Lately cause of that,my morning's been horrible and I just want the bad thoughts to go away!Shit is seeming like deja'vu again and don't get why?Maybe im cursed or something,I don't know and I don't get why love is a weird/fucked up thing to have.

My insecurities are beyond high about certain thing's.Weird thing,there's alot that get out of me when I put a pen or pencil to paper,compared to when I usually wouldn't do it.Guess it's just one of my personalities doing one of each,im just the somewhat brain compared to most of them.

Now let's jump back to Arielle life in Ohio....

Time goes by....7:19 in the morning,Hugh we fucking hate waking up early in the damn morning!We don't wanna get up!Why are you woke?Why are we woke with you?Why can't we just stay sleep and you just be woke?Don't answer that,it's not important cause,all you want to do is die.

We understand why.

Back to cheating shit,if I keep thinking or trying not to accuse my spouse is cheating on me,he might end up doing it or keep on doing it.I don't know at this point cause,there's no dirt on it.Damn,im so fucked up inside to be insecure that way.

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