You Don't Know What It's Like,to Lose a Piece of Your Heart

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Chapter 5

May 1st 9:09 in the evening,Beautiful/sweet innocent dreams that get crushed or destroyed by the negativity that flows through the air that we all breathe in and exhale out the bullshit that's inside,would be a great example to use for a project or experiment.

I start to dial Austin number....The phone starts to ring....

What's up?

Not much,are you busy?

Nope.What's up,is everything alright?

Yeah,everything's fine.

That's good.

When was the last time you talk to your mother?

I don't know,you know I barely talk to her,Austin says.



I haven't talked to her in awhile.

Damn still.

Yep,so I don't know how long im going to be down here.

You can stay as long as you want.I enjoy having you here.

Thank you,Maryanne says.

No problem.

When was the last time you talked to Summer?

I talked to her like....3 or 4 day's ago.


Yep,but I got to finish this work.

Alright.When your done,stop by my new house and turn up with me.

I got you auntie,Austin says.

Kk.See ya later.

See ya.

Hangs the phone up.

Time goes by....10:56 in the evening,Those who think there is a time limit when grieving....Must have never lost a piece of their heart....Losing that important piece of your heart,makes you feel like as if you've been killed or had a really numb,dead feeling before.

If you ever gotten your heart broken and lost an important piece of your heart,don't down yourself more and more everyday.You will find someone better and will be able to have an whole heart all over again,unless you rip out the person heart that broke your's,then that works too.They just don't understand or get what's it like,to lose an important piece of your heart.

Now let's jump back to Arielle life in Boston,that's if she still lives there....

Time goes by....1:14 in the morning,I'm going to have to hurry up and move from this state.I'm getting real bored of it and trying to escape all the shit that's after me,and the people that wants me dead.I really dont have any reason to still stay here foreal.My parent's live in Dallas Texas,older brother lives in Kansas,older sister lives in Canada and Maryanne suppose to be dead.Plus our godmother is evil,who would kill or send someone to kill her own family member.My kid's are all grown up and living on their own.Austin lives in Florida Miami and Summer lives in California.My husband past away 15 year's ago cause of cancer.

My phone starts to....


How you been?

Um who is this?

It's Maxine.

I've been great,what do you want?

Just checking up on you.

I don't know what for,Arielle says.

Cause I can.

Yeah,you use to.Now you can't,so what do you really want?

I don't want nothing.

Okay....You sure?

Yes im sure.


I do miss you though,Maxine says.

Aww that's cute....But I don't,so get off my phone.

So it's like that?

I told you not to call or talk to me anymore.I wasn't joking when I said that!Plus you don't know what it's like,to lose a important piece of your heart!


I hate you so fucking much!!

I know.I know.

You don't deserve me anymore anyway,Arielle says!!!!

Hangs the phone up.

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