I Pretend To Be Happy Alot

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Chapter 3

Florida Miami April 13th 6:18 in the afternoon,Tick,tick,tick,tick....My heart has a bomb on it,and it's like im just waiting for it to explode and kill me.Damn I have some deep as thoughts alot,but I can barely help it,cause I see nothing but so much darkness,in a most gorgeous kind of way.
My heart and soul is so fucking dark,that no one and I mean no fucking one can brighten that shit up.So many people tried,so many thing's happened to try and help.But nothing made it through,nothing was able to make it bright.So you know what them and the other shit did??They got over it and accepted it,accepted me,accepted every fucking thing,without any other choice.Just like each and every one of you will!

Don't be scared.I'm sweet and innocent.Honestly.

The moment that ticking stop and go kaboom,it's all over for me,but new for someone else.

Time goes by....10:33 in the evening,My heart and soul pretend like they're happy,when they're clearly not on the inside.Because of it being fucked up so many damn time's,it just doesn't see the point anymore.I know so many people that feels or can feel that way sometimes.It's sad that you,them and me had to go through that shit and see that shit happen.If no one else told you this,then I will:I'm sorry that you and them went through that shit and seen it all happen from the start.I know what it's like to see and have that happen.

Sometimes you got to forgive the unknown and leave stuff in the past,for making you pretend that you were happy.Hell,even the unknown got to forgive the known sometimes and forget about what had happened in the past,for causing you to act happy.

Now let's jump back to Arielle life,back in Boston....

Time goes....4:29 in the morning,It's not good for me to pretend like im happy a lot,when all of it is not coming from me,all of it is coming from the fucked up side.I'm anxious about everything and try to keep myself at ease,unless there's something so wrong that I can't hang on or handle.
I can't keep faking like im just this so happy that people expect me to be.It's not always fun to be happy all the god damn time,like you really want to live and can just forget about all that suicide shit you was thinking and attempted to do a few day's ago.Yes that shit did happen,stop trying to forget and pretend like you wasn't the one that was thinking,speaking and attempted to kill yourself.We both know were,it's okay.It be rough time's for people that go through or think that.

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