Reuniting with the demon's that were inside my Head!

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Chapter 16

July 30th 11:56 in the morning,Reunited and it feels so horrible!Well actually,I don't know how the shit feels anymore....

Here's the funny thing about the demons that live in my head:The demons wasn't Satan's,those weren't his demons,these demons entered a different way just like they all do.It's weird how many time's I can hear demons going into my ear,sometimes the left or the right,but never coming out.Is that weird or is it just normal?I need to know.

Time goes by....3:24 in the afternoon,*Whispers in distance*

What the hell is that?

*Whispers continues*

Who are you?What do you want?

*Whispers Arielle*

Who are you?

*Whispers Arielle loud*

What?Stop all this whispering shit and actually talk!

Fine,so how you been?

No way,this can't be happening....

It is happening.Did you miss me?

Not that much.

Oh come on,now we both know what im capable of and know you more than the other personalities do.

Fine,yeah I missed you.Happy now,Arielle asks?

Very,so how thing's been?

Peachy,just same o same o.Aren't you suppose to be in the river somewhere?Why are you back?

I seen into your life that you really missed me and can really use my help,so im here to help.Were going to start with your attitude,then everything else.

You don't think the other's will freak out that your back?You know,they did kill you.

No and yes I do know,you was there in shock and didn't know what to do.What's your point?

Your right,I didn't know what to do.And my point is,are you really here to help me or just get revenge on the other's?

You really wanna hear the truth,Winter asks?


It's both.


They was jealous and killed me for nothing,plus they didn't want me to help/save you from what was going to happen.Everything bad that happened since I died,it's been they fault.

I knew it was something fishy going on with them.

Yeah I know.Wish you could've found out sooner but,you know.

I'm glad your back,Arielle says!

Me too!

So what we do now?

We start helping you 1st,before it's to late.


We'll talk later,they're coming.

Who's coming.

I'll talk to you later,I love you,Winter says.

I love you too!

Wow,Winters weird and back from the dead.

To drunk to function and to plastered to write,but every single day I still put up a fight,without any doubt left upon or left behind.Why must I constantly feel like im all alone?

Now let's jump back to Maryanne life in Florida....

Time goes by....9:47 in the evening,I start to dial my best friend little sister number....The phone starts to ring....

Hey girl,what's up?

Not shit,just chilling.How about you?


You sound a little upset.Is everything going okay?

Yeah girl,im fine.

You sure cause,you don't sound like it?

No im not okay,Kandice says.

What's wrong?

My drunk step dad been beating on me.


I don't know.

You know im always here,you can call me anytime if you ever want to get out of there.

Can it be today?I don't wanna be there any longer.

Of course,Maryanne says.

I wish Mariah was living in the same state as us.

Yeah me to but,she's in Boston for college.


You can come over whenever.I'll be here all day foreal.

I'm grabbing my thing's now.


See you in a bit,Kandice says.


Hangs the phone up and went to go get the guest room fixed up.

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