Chapter 1 : Blissful Family

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Yazka's POV:

"Yazka darling, it's time to wake up! It's Fajr time already. You've got to pray!" I was woken up from my peaceful sleep by the voice of my mother. I was so glad that I had her, probably, if it wasn't for her, I'd never be able to wake up for Fajr prayer. Oh and, Fajr prayer is one among the 5 obligatory prayers that we as Muslims have. So yes, we don't have a choice but offer it to God. But believe me, the relief you get after praying is just indefinable.

I stretched a bit and walked towards my dressing table to comb my hair. After that, I went to toilette, brushed my teeth, washed my face and did my wudu (ablution). After that I came out, dried my face and took my prayer mat to pray. I wore my Abaya and hijab to cover my whole body as we have to for praying. I tried my best to concentrate fully while praying so that I will get the most reward from it. After offering my salah, I made dua to Allah to keep myself, my family and my friend happily and to bless us all. May Allah accept from all of us.

After praying, I sat on the prayer mat to recite a few pages of Quruan as other days. My mom has always told me that starting the day with Fajr prayer and Quruan recitation would mean that Allah would bless you're whole day.

After I was done with Quruan recitation, I headed towards the living room since I was very sure that mom would be preparing breakfast now. As I walked down the stairs,I saw my dad reading the newspaper, my brother playing with his phone and my sister and mom were not to be found which means that they are at the kitchen preparing the breakfast.

"Assalamualaikum dad", I said to dad and he turned his gaze to me and smiled peacefully. "Waalaikumusalaam darling, your mom is searching for you." Yes that's my mom. Although I'm at home and is unable to reach to the kitchen on time, she would ask everyone at home if they had seen me. It's probably in mother's nature to get worried without any reason. Oh, and yes, my dad loves me with all his heart. I happened to be their youngest daughter and the smartest child of all, so yes, they've got every reason to be proud of me, and I'm not fluttering myself, just stating the truth.

I walked towards the kitchen and greeted mom and my sister Asmaara. 'Asslamulaikum Mom and Sister Asmaara." I let my hand rest on my mom's shoulder. Well, she is short! Really short! And I became tall since I got all the tall genes from dad, who is the polar opposite of mom. "Honey, why did you get late, I thought you slept after I came back!" my mom asked with concern yet with so much of love. "Momma, I was praying, and after that I was reciting Quruan. I tell you always, but you always get worried for no reason." "ok then, stop whining and place the food in the table and call Zakir and your dad for breakfast. Zakir is my elder brother who is 20 years old.

We all had breakfast together and headed to our respective rooms to get ready. 'Alhamdhullilahi shukuru for blessing me with such a loving and caring family', I thanked god internally while climbing the stairs to go to my room.

Dad had to go to office with brother Zakir. My dad owns a business and he wants my brother to learn everything before he gets old. So my brother accompanies with him to the office now. On the other hand, my sister is a teacher in profession and works at one of the most respective schools in UK – The London Primary School. And me? I'm doing my degree in Psychology in a Girls university. The main reason why I choose to go to a girl's university is because I don't want to mingle with non mahram guys and do things which are not allowed in Islam. I want to be pure when I meet my very beloved husband.

I took exactly 30 minutes to get ready to go to university. I wore a baby pink abaya with a hot pink hijab and wore my socks and my black half shoes. I took my bag and dialed my best friend Zuha who lives two blocks away from my house. We always walked together to school. I always call her before leaving home, so that she would be outside when I reach her place.

Zuha is a very pious girl who is the same age as me. She is a very good Muslim and tries to keep all her manners and never go against the religion. We both first met when my parents decided to move to London. At that time, I was just 5 years. I remember Zuha's mom, Aunty Zahira helping out my mom with settling down and they both became very good friends. Whenever they meet, we both were always sent to the room to play, so we basically spent a lot of time together and our bonds grew very strong. We studied together in both primary and secondary grades and now we both got the same course we wanted from the same university. Isn't it pure bliss? Studying with your best friend? And what not? The very nice lady professor even decided to keep both of us together in all the classes.

So, I was heading towards Zuha's house and when I saw her she didn't come running to me and hug me. The moment itself I knew that something was simply wrong with her. I mean, I know her since childhood, and I could identify all her gestures.

"Who took away my dearest darling best friends cheery mood away?" I said, hoping that she would smile. But no, she didn't. "Ok spill, Who on earth messed with you or what happened to you? I'm not moving an inch away before you tell me!" I threatened her. With that she started spilling the beans.

Salaam everyone!

This is the first chapter, and how is it? I know it's sort of boring, but i promise, i will improve gradually. Well, you can't blame me. this is my very first time writing a story. So please be supportive

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May Allah bless all of us!

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