Chapter 19: An Unforgiving Day

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"Help, help! Somebody please call the ambulance. This man is bleeding to death." That was the last thing I heard. Is it Maazin, or is it the guy in the other car.

Oh Allah, please save my husband, please protect him.

He was in my thoughts as the last thing I remembered.


"Gasp!" And I regained consciousness. "We have her back. Put in the iv fluids, and keep her in observation for the next 24 hours. Make sure she doesn't bleed out and has no post-op infections, and if the pain gets worse give her morphine." A kind doctor said to the lady who was standing beside me.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Tina. I'll be with you throughout these 24 hours and Dr. Yusuf will assist me. That was Dr. Yusuf who gave me all the instructions. So do you have any questions?" "Umm yeah, maybe a two!" I said, barely opening my mouth. "Shoot!" "What happened to me? Is it serious, will I be able to work again?" I asked, not being prepared for the worst case scenario. "Not much, just slight internal injuries and a small brain bleed. We had an operation done, and now it's fine. Your husband is outside the ICU, do you want to meet with him?" "Alhamdulillahi, he is fine! Of course I want to meet with him."

"Hei, I'm so glad you are finally fine. We are never doing that in the car, okay?" He said, giving out a sigh of relief and a small peck in my cheeks. I needed that so much, and I blushed hardly. "Mh-mm, we are never doing it."

Maazin wasn't fine. I knew that. He was down and didn't talk to me as much as he would in a regular day. He was silent and was oblivious to the surrounding most of the time. The only time he responded to anything was when I called and when Dr. Tina came for vitals check-up.

"Maazin, can you come next to me and hold my hands tightly?" "Sure."

He came, held my hands, but he was lost. He didn't look at me neither did he smile at me even once.

"Tell me what happened." I said, without beating the bush. "hmm?" He gave a face filled with questions. "I know something is very wrong and I want you to let me know what happened." "But darling, you just came out of a brain surgery and you have so much in your plate. We will deal with this when you are fine, okay?" "No, I want to know now. I'm your wife and we should have our plates filled together. Let me in!"

"Remember the guy who was bleeding to death during the accident; were you aware of anything that happened?" "Oh I totally forgot to ask about him. Who was it?"

"Listen Yaz, I need you to be very strong and not breakdown after you get to know about this." "Please tell me, I need to know." My heart was already beating fiercely as if it may break my chest walls in any second.

"Yaz, it was Dad!" "Oh I'm so sorry that it had to be him. He'll be alright okay? You shouldn't lose hope." She said giving a firm grip. I held her hands back as tightly as I can. "No Yaz, it's not my dad. It's your dad. Mr. Haashim."

"No no. That can't be him. He was fine yesterday and he doesn't even drive that fast. No just tell me that it's all a lie." I broke down into tears and cried as much as I can. It was paining so much. Every part of my body was hurting so badly and I wanted to rip everything off. I needed to break everything I could, but I was admitted and my head was covered with bandage. Maazin hugged me at the moment and let my head rest on his shoulder. He was running his hand in my back consoling me.

"Maazin, is he alive?" I asked, after what felt like years of crying. "Yaz, he is currently in a head surgery. Doctors said there is very less possibility that he would survive. Just pray to Allah and have faith in him. Remember, he said that 'verily with every difficulty comes ease.' Have patience, and he shall make it easier for you. Our beloved prophet went through harder days. He lost his dearest wife and uncle in the same year. He lost his father and mother when he was just a kid. He had an army of people going against him and trying to kill him. He had people who tried to feed him poison, but he never gave up. He always trusted Allah swt. This world is temporary so are the people in it. We lose the people who are closest to our heart. So darling, don't lose hope. Maybe Dad will be fine. If not, it's the will and plans of all, the greatest of planners. He surely has better things written for you, for us." He said, looking directly into my eyes. That very thing made me feel so much better about this whole thing. "Maazin, please help me make wudu. I want to pray in the bed." "sure"

He helped me make wudu and I prayed. "Oh Allah, please make it easy for my dad and please grant him with the fastest recovery. Oh Allah, I know this is what you have planned. You are the greatest of planners, please let this be good for me and please let me accept anything you have planned for me. Ya Allah, give me the sabr and strength to deal with anything and everything you want me to, and please increase the strength of my imaan. Ameen"

I felt so good after offering my prayers. Surely, Allah makes it easy for his believers.

"Mr Ibrahim, may I talk to you in private?" "No, you can talk to me while I'm here." I said, before Maazin could say a word.

"I am Doctor Yunus, I just finished Mr. Haashim's operation just now, and it went better than we thought it could. But I want you to know that we can't say anything before he regains his consciousness. We don't know what might have happened to the cerebral hemisphere, we just controlled the bleeding. So we will only know when he gets his consciousness back if he can function normally with his normal speech, personality and memory. We will let you know then. Is there anyone else we can call that could help?" He said, in one go. "Yes, please call mom. She needs to come here. Dad would need her. Maazin give her number"

I kept praying throughout the whole day. I wanted dad to come back so much. I needed him so much, mom needed, the whole family needed. Dad was the pillar that was holding the whole family together, and we can't afford to lose him.


"Yaz, dad just woke up." Maazin, came and told me. "how is he?"

"He can't recognize anything. He doesn't know who mom is, neither does he remember who you are even."

Hi all, how ready were you guys for this? Whom did you think got crashed in the accident? Team Maazin or Team Webber? :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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