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1. Rules must be posted

2. There should be thirteen things about yourself

3. You have to finish this within a week

4. You have to nominate fifteen other people to do this

5. I've to do this on my own and give this chapter a creative name

Here you go CeeTheSpinster
I Couldn't do it in the other account.

You sure would love this! :*


Isn't it a very fancy name? HAHA

Thirteen things about me:

1. I love studies.

Studies is my life. you can ask all my friends. I can't go a day without touching my books, and if i go my day feels totally incomplete. Weird? I don't care, but that's my type of happiness. And and, i love competitive study environments where there are look of good students and you just study your asses of to become the top.

2. My mother is my personal source of entertainment.

DAMN I love her!. I'd rather prefer to hangout with her and get all sarcastic with her rather than with my friends. I actually skipped one get together that my friends planned because I wanted to go for a walk with mom.

3. I am the youngest.

I have only one sibling, that's my brother. He is what you call ' brother goals' or 'sibling goals' . And one more thing, if you want to get yourself into trouble, you can mess with him, he'll do the honors.

4. I dream a lot.

I have so many dreams. To travel around the world with my most beloved,  to go on a road trip with him, to lie on the terrace and star gaze with him. Oh god i am so obsessed with my prince charming. Well i  have other dreams too. Like going to UK for higher studies, going to Paris with one of my best friend just for shopping.

5. I want to become a doctor.

Initially it was becoming a Gynecologist and Obstetrician. But now Grey's Anatomy made me love surgeries so much that I've decided that I would become a Gynecological Surgeon. In Sha Allah, One day!

6. I am a muslim.

I take pride in that. It gives me internal piece and indescribable happiness, and i believe it is one of the factor which helps me in achieving my goals. 

7. I love my beloved.

He is everything i have ever dreamt of. but no, we are not dating, we are going to have it in the halal way, because halal love is so beautiful and halal love is true love.

8. I am a grammar naxi.

I don't like people using incorrect grammar. I try not to judge, but it's just so hard. and every time I read a writing with incorrect English, i keep correcting every single mistake in my mind.

9. I love writing.

It is my way of letting out my imagination. It's just amazing what the imagination can do with just a pen and a paper. I write always, in papers, in books, in laptop etc.. and I don't know where all my writings are. 

10.  I love my class!

They are the most hilarious, crazy, horribly insane people I have ever met. And they have the most hilarious jokes to crack at the worst times. Trust me, when one of them starts laughing, you can't stay without doing so even if you don't know what happened. And this is our last year together, and we are all whining about losing touch. But I know, we will always be the same. 

11. Maths has always been my favorite (HAHAHA)

I LOVE MATHS!!! And it gives me this feeling of happiness and euphoria when i do Math. I don't know why everyone hates math, i simply don't understand.

12. I love my body.

It's not perfect, and according to me perfect body is just an illusion. It does not exist. It's all about accepting your body and believing that it is beautiful. So yes, I wouldn't give a damn even if you say that I don't meet the requirements of a 'perfect body'.

13. I totally despise double standards.

I stand against stereotyping, slut shaming, bullying and every other labeling. I don't like the way in which the society has classified girls and boys, where girls have to stay at home and look after kids and boys can enjoy their life, where girls should not fall in love and miraculously feel nothing, while its acceptable for boys to fall in love during their late teenage years, where girls are sluts, bitches, whores, sphincters if they have sex or cross their limits (which have been set by the society on its own) and if boys do so it just becomes a 'cool' thing. I totally hate it. I will get married to a guy who would be willing to do household chores with me, who would be willing to look after the baby and who wouldn't just lay in the couch and read the newspaper, no i can't survive in such a relationship.


I nominate
















Enjoy this :*

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