Chapter 7: Perplexing Messages

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"Yazka, from the moment I saw you, I feel something different. I know this is absolutely bizarre, but fairly, I can't think about anything else but you. All I want to do right now is be with you and look at you until forever." After reading the first messaged I was thunderstruck. Without further due, I continued reading.

"You're eyes, I could get lost in them, you're rosy lips, I want to kiss them so badly and just crush them. URGG!!! And you're ivory skin, it's so impeccable, I want to touch it. Everything about you is so seductive. I want to have you and make you mine!" 'Okay' I thought to myself after reading the second message.

"The way you dress up made me go nuts. I wish I could see your real figure. I am sure it's gonna make me erogenous. And oh dear god, the way you talk! That voice, so manipulating, I wish I could listen to it forever!"

"Yazka, will you be my girlfriend? I swear this is the spark that I've been waiting to get from a girl. I've been with so many girls and I never felt this!"

"Yazka please, agree and say yes"

"If you want time, I could give you that, if you want wealth, I could give you that! And mostly, if you want love, I am ready to give it! But please be mine!"

"Do you want me to approach to your parents? If so I'd do that even!"

"I am crazily genuinely in love with you baby!"

"I want to kiss you, hug you and rip of your clothes because you'd be the perfect one for that!"

"baby, this isn't a fake story! I swear I'll treat you like a princess, my precious little doll"

Finally, I was done reading those messages. But GOD! This is horrible. This guy seems to be in love with me. Well, he says he is, but can he really be? Is he trying to use me and then leave me ones he gets bored? And before that do I love him?

I bombarded myself with loads of questions which I couldn't answer. I was clueless about what I shall do. No wait, I will call Zu. She'll give me the best advice.

I took my phone and dialed her number, after about 3 rings she picked up her call. "Zu, I need your help big time. This Maazin guy messaged me! And that too TEN FREAKING MESSAGES. Get online on Face book and I shall send you a screenshot." "Okay, in a second" She replies and we cut the call.

"Yazu, send me!!!!" She messaged me. I took the screenshots and sent her them. I was waiting for her to finish reading them so that she would message me. Meanwhile, I went downstairs to take a water bottle because I'd need one at my room during midnight.

When I came back to the room Zuha has sent me 3 messages. I went and checked them. "Yazu, what on earth is wrong with him? Is he trying to have sex with you and take your virginity or what?"

"And why is he saying that he loves you every now and then?"

"And he has reached to an extent where he is ready to talk to your parents! I wonder what he will tell them even."

"Zu, calm down first, what should I reply? I mean seen-zoning isn't a very nice thing to do right?" I messaged my bipolar best friend.

"Tell him that you need time and will let him know what you decide later. And get some rest now! And I'm going for now. Allah hafiz"

And then she went. I opened the chat bar and saw that Maazin was online. But I messaged him saying that I need time and I would tell him what I want after I decide. He saw the message instantly, but to avoid any further conversations I signed out.

I tried sleeping the whole night, but today's incidents were rolling in my brain. I wasn't sure of what to do. Some part of me wants to be with him while the other part hates him. But I think the part that likes him is more than the part that hates him because he was all I wanted in a guy except for the fact that he flirts with many girls. I hope he isn't a play boy. Maybe I should make him wait a little more so that I would be sure if his love for me is real. If he really loves me, I am pretty confident that he would wait for me. It's confusing, but I would find a way, I am sure. Allah will be there by my side to guide me.

"Ya Allah, please show me the right path. Never let me go against you and include me among those people who you love and who go to your paradise." I made a small dua to Allah and I felt a lot better. Keeping trust on him would be the best thing to do at times like this.

It was after more like 3 hours I fell asleep, that too after I started listening to songs of Maher Zain. And I would have to wake up again in the early morning. Going to be one tiring day I suppose.

Salaam everyone

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oh and i dedicate this chapter to one amazing reader 123456789FatemaI
Thank you gorgeous for being such a support! Much love.

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