Chapter 17: The first day

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"Zoo, we are in the same team." I screamed, when I saw my best friend getting on her lab coat. Getting to work with your best friend is amazing, but nothing can definitely beat having her at your own team. "We are seriously living the best friend goals, aren't we?" She said, with an ever bright smile on her face.

"Zuha, Yazka, Terry, Zaid and John, get to Ms. Ashley Timberly." Somebody who was standing at the very front screamed out loud, maybe for every one of us to heat. There were more than a hundred, probably students from different universities. I was honestly very excited to start this.

"Good morning all. This working arena is nothing like your university life. Here you meet with people who need help to deal with their psychological issues. Each of you has to be very kind and patient while you are with the patients. Treat them lovingly and make sure you follow the oath you took. The stories they share are not supposed to be shared with anyone. So here is the time to apply what all you have learnt in the past three years at your university. Break a leg everyone and follow me and I'll assign you all with different tasks." Ashley said, in a very soothing tone. "I think I'm going to love this." "I think I'll too"

"Mr Stephen Webber. How are you now?" Ashley asked from one of the patients who was sitting in a room, alone. "I feel ok, but the after effects aren't still fine." "Alright then, we will start with today's therapy. Ms Yazka will help you today."

Stephen Webber happened to be my patient today. He was attractively beautiful. He had those blue eyes and dark black wavy hair which were flawless. He was tall, and had an olive skin, with a thick beard. He had what you call 'eye lash goals'; which were so long and pointing, with eyebrows thick and curved, which added beauty to his glowing face. He was wearing a light blue long sleeved shirt, with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow level. I couldn't help but stare at him for a while.

"Lower your gaze Yazka. You are married and you shouldn't look at non-mahrams that way" My inner self gave a small lecture to me and I decided to get going with my work.

"Hi Mr.Webber. I'm Yazka Hashim. Let me read your report now." I went through his records and realized that he is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). "Talk, speak everything you want to and I'll listen"

"It was the worst of all. My sister and I were travelling to Sydney after the farewell of my wife who passed a month ago. I couldn't live in Los Angeles because of all the memories I had, so my sister said it was the best for me to come stay with her. She came to Los Angeles to take me there, since I was very weak. We were sitting next to the window in the flight, and then suddenly I saw flames in the wing of the aircraft. I started panicking and saw that the crew was too. The pilots wanted an emergency landing but the aircraft broke into halves before reaching a runway. I held my sisters hand, and the next thing I felt was falling down the air defying the air resistance which was harsh. I got back my consciousness and saw my sister lying next to me with her head filled with blood. i lifted my head a bit to see a river of thick red blood forming next to my sister's head. I kept my finger in her wrist to see if she had pulse, but I couldn't feel it, and I knew that she was dead too. I started crying so loudly holding my sister as tightly as I can. I kept screaming out for help, but nobody came...."

With that, he started sobbing, covering his gorgeous face. It hit my heart, a bit. I felt sympathetic and felt tears in my eyes too. I shouldn't cry while I've to be the person who is supposed to help him. I rubbed my eyes to hide the tears so that he won't find out. "Do you want to take a break or would you like to continue?" I asked politely.

"I'd prefer to let this out in one go."

"I went to check on other passengers to see if I could get a company, but to my bad there was no one. Everybody died in the plane crash and I was alone, in the woods. I tried searching for sticks to light a camp fire, but I didn't have any. I was left with just a small bottle of water. I drank a sip, storing the rest for me to drink later. It was dusk and it started getting darker, I started hearing the cry of animals. I leaned on to a tree, as it started getting colder. I was tired and worn out, but I couldn't sleep. The minute I fall asleep, I see my dead wife and sister, and then I wake up with tears in my eyes. The night passed and there was no help, and I stayed like that for a weak. I saw animals eating the flesh of the dead bodies. I had to drink petrol and my own urine when I ran out of water. I had no food and probably just 2-3 hours of sleep per day. The day I coughed out blood was the day the rescue team found me. They took me to the main hospital of the Sydney. They operated me twice, and kept me there for more than a week, maybe a two. There was no one to help and stay by my side, but the intern there was very good, in fact she was very caring. She talked me to me and decided that I needed a psychiatrist's help. I was discharged from hospital 3 weeks back, and I still can't sleep peacefully and it's hard to have food. I stay still most of the time. The only thing which keeps me going through all this is hope. Please give me hope or please be a hope for me. Please!" He said, playing with the nail in his thumb.

Hei there,

I've just finished my o'level exams, and let me tell you, they went pretty well. Please pray for me to get good results  :D

So here's the new chapter, I hope you'd all like it.

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Me :D

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