Chapter 6: A Major Disillusionment

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For people who wanted to see a picture of Maazin, there you go lovelies. Ain't he one handsome guy! HAHA!
Enjoy reading! :*

Oh and yes, let me dedicate this chapter to MichelleeSatan. She has been one amazing reader! Much love darla! :*


Yazka's POV

I started to like every bit about him. His humbleness, the way he treats his friends, his way of respecting girls and mostly his perception about the world. It was so much to be admired. He was basically perfection. Within our group, he'd probably be the only guy I talked to and I enjoyed doing so.

But then, all my thoughts about him were deceived by just one single incident

It was break time and we were all supposed to go to the cafeteria and have lunch. Zuha, Amaany, Zaisha and I went to the prayer room to offer our dhuhr salah. After about 10 minutes we came back to the canteen to have lunch and the view I saw irritated me so much. Maazin, being the gentle guy in front of me was now flirting with hot girls who were Christians with a group of guys. Those guys were laughing so hard and the girls were trying to impress them. They were wearing very tight small tops and miniskirts along with high heels. Good gracious, how can they dress like that and be with gents.

It was hurtful to see Maazin doing that, but why should I be bothered by this action of him. I mean he is nothing to me and he was just a stranger that I met today.

As we went inside the canteen, Maazin saw me walking towards the counter guy. And the moment itself he lowered his gaze from the girls and went away from the guys. He went at sat down with a group of Muslim guys and was acting very decent.

'How disgusting can this ever be? Such a pretend he is! Why should he pretend to be something else when he saw me? Is he trying to impress me and later use me? Today is going to be one long day then, with him being in my group.' I thought to myself.

I was basically very gloomy the whole day. I didn't speak to anyone much. Probably Zuha noticed it, but she didn't bug me. I was glad that she didn't, because if she did I'd have gotten more angry then I already was. He tried being nice with me and showing me a lot of respect. But honestly speaking, I didn't find it a bit admirable anymore, rather I found it annoying. Of course I would, I never liked people who try to be something they are not.

Thankfully, after 12 long hours we were done with the camp and we were all getting ready to go back to our university and then to home. Zuha sat beside me in the bus, but to ignore any conversation that might take place I closed my eyes and put my headphones on and listened to Quruan. Listening to Quruan calmed me so much and made me forget about every other thing. How miraculous.

Thinking that Zuha wouldn't ask me the reason for my gloominess would definitely be a mistake. As soon as we were alone to go back to our home, she started. "Speak!" with that I knew that I had no other choice!

"Zu, I know this is absolutely very wrong. But remember that Maazin guy who was in or group today?" I asked her.

"Yes I do, he was so good, both looks and attitude. One in a million sort of dude!" Zuha said in a dreamy way. "but, what's wrong with him?"

"Ok I wouldn't beat around the bush. I found him really attractive. Every feature of him, the way he looks, the way he dresses and every other thing about him was so admirable. I never talked to a non-mahram guy like that, but today my inner self forced me to because of his beauty. The attitude he showed to us was the next thing which I found very admirable. But then again, I saw another side of him which disappointed me to an extent that it actually hurt me. After prayer when we went to the cafeteria, my eyes first searched for him, and he was with a group of other guys and they all were flirting with a group of girls who were wearing small tops and miniskirts. And the moment he saw me, he went away and sat with a group of Muslim guys and didn't even look at those girls. I mean how can he be like that? Why should he try to impress me so much? And don't you think that he was basically following me from the very first moment he saw me? What does he want from me?" I said everything without a break.

"Oh my god, how can I be so wrong about a person. I thought that guy was a very good one and I actually imagined you and him together. And what not? I imagined how your kids would look like too! I am so sorry darling!" Zuha said with extreme guilt in her eyes.

Well, that's my best friend. She would imagine the most random things ever. But I felt relieved after telling her everything. And for a moment I was indeed very appreciative to Allah (SWT) for blessing me with such an amazing friend. I mean not everyone has one and I am sure if I didn't have her my life would be 50 times harder than it is.

We reached her home and she went and I walked alone to my house. I was so dreaded after the hectic day so I went directly to the toilette to take a shower. After showering I prayed, ate my dinner and came to my room to sleep. But before that, I wanted to check my face book, to see if there were any messages or notifications. But to my surprise there was a friend request and 10 messages and that too from Maazin. I opened his profile and nothing was shown, but I accepted the friend request. And then after taking a heavy breath, I opened his messages which gave me chills.

Salaam everyone

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