|00| Prologue

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     Death [deth] n. 1. The act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all vital functions of an organism. 2. The state of being dead. 3. Extinction; destruction.


     One word, one syllable and five letters long. What even is death? How can it possibly be surmised in so few words? It was incomprehensible to me. I didn't understand how something so marginally misunderstood could be put into words. It baffled me.

     Lots of people, including myself, have dealt with death in one way or another. It could be a family member, a friend, a pet or even a celebrity that you favored. You still felt that sense of loss—that sense of grief—that sense of: why, why did they leave me behind? But all the emotions are a huge, confusing, incomprehensible blurry haze. And yet, there it was staring me in the face in the dictionary, punctuated by twenty-seven words.

     How? Why?


Song of the Chapter: The Neighbourhood  "A Moment of Silence"

Dearest Readers,

     I know, I knowanother story?!  I couldn't help it.  I just have so many ideas up in my brain that I can't seem to focus on just one!  This story (as well as a few others) is one of the main reasons why I haven't really been updating my other three stories.  And to be honest I think this one is way better than the other two full-length stories that I have up here.  I know the description is a bit...meh, for lack of a better word, but trust me when I say that this is going to be awesome-sauce!

     However, on an entirely different note, if any of you knows someone, or you yourself, are great at writing little synopsis (synopsi? idk what the plural would be lol), then just PM me and let me know.  'Cause if you haven't noticed I'm kind of...not.

     Come again soon!

And remember:




     Stay awesome,


     P.S. If I'm being completely honest here, I actually prefer writing the supernatural/fantasy/supernatural genre.  I just hadn't figured out an idea yet until it smacked me in the face a few months ago while watching ParaNorman of all things.

Of Darkness, © V.R. Migliaccio (ViciousxxVictoria), 2016

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