|019| Lessons

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*WARNING: Unedited*

And just in case y'all forgot who Dean was/what I think he looks like, he's up there ^^^


     "Okay so Necromancer one-oh-one," Roman said as he slapped a meter stick to a rollout chalkboard. "What is a necromancer? That's the real question here. And the truth is," He said with a shrug, "No one really knows. There's little to no information on them."

     "Is this guy always like this?" Dean whispered, leaning closer to me, his cold breath fanning over the side of my face and neck.

     "Dean, just shut up!"

     "Tell your little ghost boyfriend that if he's going to distract you he's not welcome to our training sessions," Roman sassed.

     Aspen laughed, his chest vibrating against my back. "Dude just 'cause you can't see Dean doesn't mean that he can't hear you."

     Roman's face fell, completely stupefied by the information. "Oh..."

     We were all gathered in an empty classroom down the hall from the library. Originally we were going to start our lessons and training there, but when Roman and I both thought about it, it wasn't exactly the most private space to do it. Quiet, yes—private, no way in hell.

     And now that Aspen knew what I was, I could finally tell him about Dean. As we walked back to class, hand-in-hand once he caught up to me, I felt comfortable enough to tell him about my ghostly best friend. He wasn't exactly weirded out. In fact, he was jealous of Dean. He asked me all kinds of questions about him, and it went a little something like this:

     "Is he better looking than me?"

     I rolled my eyes. "No Aspen."

     "Funnier than me?"

     Again, I rolled my eyes. "No Aspen."

     "Did you ever like him as more than a friend?"

     I hesitated, not knowing how to respond. Yes I did have a crush on Dean at one point, but that was before I met Aspen. Not to mention it would sound awfully weird if I admitted to liking a dead boy. "Um...well...define as more than a friend?"

     His eyes narrowed at me. They were already narrowed, but they narrowed even further. So much so that his eyes looked like they were practically closed. "Like as boyfriend."


     "You did. You so did!" He said throwing his hands up in exasperation (my hand included since they were intertwined). "Is he taller than me?"

     I bit my lip. "Yes."

     "How much taller?"

     "He's six foot five."

     He threw his hands up again, throwing his head back with a, "Gah! How can I possibly compete with that?!"

     So to say that he took the information concerning Dean well would be a bit of an understatement. He couldn't see or hear Dean unless Dean wanted him to, but it didn't mean that Dean didn't fuck with him. He'd poke and prod, trip and push Aspen everywhere. At first Aspen didn't get that it was Dean doing all of it, in fact, he thought gravity was failing him. It was kind of funny when he thought that, but once he realized it was Dean he decided to take it upon himself to yell, "You six foot five ginormous megatronic space ghost—stop being such a damn bully! Pick on somebody your own size...not me...'cause I'm, y'know, shorter than you."

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