|06| What is a Necromancer?

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|What Is A Necromancer?|

     I've always wondered what I was or how it was even possible for me to do what I can. Sometimes, I wondered if my mom had the same ability or if Luce did too and she just chose to keep it a secret or if it just wasn't as strong. I knew she could see Dean, but she never mentioned being able to see the others swarming our property.

     I looked it up once—what I was or what people thought I was. Google said I was either a necromancer or a psychic. Either way, both communicated with the dead. However, psychics could only do so during a séance or through a method called "scrying." Whereas, necromancers used a form of "magic." I only put magic in quotes because when I think of magic I think of the illusionary, pull the wool over their eyes kind or the Harry Potter kind. Regardless, they both have some kind of off switch or a controlled way of using it. I, on the other hand, had no control over this ability.

     It sucked.

     It sucked balls.

     The more I tried to comprehend it, the more confused I got. Necromancer—it sent chills down my spine just thinking of the word. Even the word labeling my ability sounded creepy and morbid.

     What was it really? Why was I given this ability? How did it help anyone? How was it even possible to be what I am? These were the questions I asked myself daily, because it was difficult to understand. It was unfathomable and discombobulating. If necromancers were real, then didn't that mean other things were too?

     "Looking it up again?" Luce asked as she leaned over me.

     We were in the library, both of us with a free period on our hands. Dean sat across from us, a book open on the table in front of him. Every time he flipped a page someone would look over. It was odd to see a page flip on its own without any windows open or the air conditioning on. But the book was in front of me, so they just assumed it was my "freak powers" moving it.

     I was surprised that Luce was in the library, not because she was one of those people who never stepped foot into a library, but because she usually spent her free period with friends or sleeping in the car.


     She slid into the seat beside me, propping her chin in her hands. "You're not going to find anything different. There's not much information on it. Most of the stories on necromancy are from legends anyway."

     "And all legends stem from some kind of truth." Dean muttered absentmindedly as he flipped another page. Both Luce and I looked up at him and then at each other, then at him again. Sometimes, he could have surprisingly smart things to say. "What?"

     "That was..." I started, not knowing what to say.

     "Surprisingly profound." Luce finished. A smirk slipped onto his face and he opened his mouth to retort (most likely with something wrapped around in arrogance), but Luce quickly shut him up before he could. She nodded her head toward the book on the table. "What're you reading there Deanie?"

     "Nothing." Luce reached across the table to grab it, but Dean swiftly dragged it off the table and into his lap. "It's nothing!"

     Luce's eyebrows furrowed together as she drew her hand back slowly. His reaction surprised me. I'd never seen Dean angry or so secretive before. It made me curious about what was in the book. What was so secretive about it?

     "Sure doesn't seem like nothing." Luce muttered in annoyance.

     His posture relaxed and his narrowed eyes softened. I heard the book slap closed quietly as he sat back in his seat. "I'm sorry for snapping at you Luce." She raised an eyebrow at him as if to ask: "Are you really?" "Seriously, I am. Look, I don't know what I'm reading, but I don't think you should read it either."

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