|016| Confessions and Revelations

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|Confessions and Revelations|

     "Good morn...ing?" Luce questioned rather than said as I walked into the kitchen. She twisted around on her seat at the counter to eye me up while I stuck my head in the fridge. "Are you okay? You look like you had a rough night."

     I sighed as I closed the refrigerator door. I wasn't really hungry anyway... I leaned my back against the door and looked at her with a glare on my face, not directed at her, but at the feelings I got from the memories I had seen in my sleep. "That's because I did have a rough night."

     She patted the seat beside her, a look of concern crossing her face. "What happened?" Then it seemed a light bulb went off in her mind as I look of excitement and astonishment replaced the concern. "Did you remember something?"

     I nodded solemnly as I shuffled toward Luce. I took a seat next to her and placed my head in my hands, still reeling from the stress of the first set of memories. "Yeah I remembered something—a few things actually, but I'm pretty sure they were all a part of the same thing."

     I heard Luce scramble from her chair toward the coffee pot. She was kind enough to pull out my favorite mug from the cabinet and pour me a cup with a lot of creamer—just the way I liked it. I mumbled a quiet thanks and quickly took a sip of my lukewarm coffee. Not too hot and not too cold, just right. Luce was truly the best.

     "So are you going to tell me what happened or are you just going to sit there and blunder in your squalor?" I eyed her weirdly. Why the hell was she talking like some English scholar with a PhD? She grinned meekly, "Sorry I'm just studying for my SAT retakes. Thought it'd be helpful if I tried using the words out loud."

     I nodded and downed the rest of my coffee. As soon as I set my Alice in Wonderland mug down onto the counter, I dove right into my story. I retold her every detail of what I remembered, and the things that were referenced that I couldn't I told her about my immense confusion about how any of that had transpired (aside from me being totally sloshed), and how I was super embarrassed for myself. I still couldn't fathom how Aspen was able to talk to me and look at me (let alone sleep beside me and kiss me) after how much of a mess I was.

     When I was done, Luce just blinked really fast. Her eyes were wide and her jaw was slack and gaped from awe. She was rendered completely speechless (something that was extremely rare for Luce because she always had something to say).

     I leaned forward and snapped my fingers in front of Luce. "Yoo-hoo, is anybody there? I mean, I know it's a lot to take in, but it's almost like a spell has come over you to freeze you in your flabbergasted state."

     It was then Luce snapped out of her stupor. She shook her head and let out a deep breath. She dragged her hands over her face and then through her hair. She was clearly just as stressed as I was. "I mean—wow, just, wow. I don't know what to say to any of that. And to think that there's more for you to remember!" She side-eyed me, biting her lip to fight off a smile. "But gosh, Ray, who knew you had it in you?"

     I rolled my eyes and backhanded her in the arm. "Shut up!"

     "Okay, okay," She defended with her hands up. "Just don't hit me anymore!" She cleared her throat and rested her hands in her lap, "But in all serious, what're you going to do come tomorrow? Do you think he just needs space or are you going to talk to him when you see him at school?"

     I shrugged. It was my turn to be dumbfounded. I knew that I needed space, and that yesterday Aspen needed space. But did he need it anymore? As far as I knew Aspen was one to get over arguments easily being the forgive and forget type. But I hadn't ever seen him nearly as upset as he had been yesterday, so I truly didn't know the answer.

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