|015| Remember Me

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: katrocks247

|Remember Me|

     Percy had finally gotten everything together. He laid everything down onto his small round table and immediately got to work on putting the proper measurements of the ingredients into the grinder. I was grateful that he hadn't said anything about my and Luce's conversation. It wasn't exactly private in his studio with him only twenty feet away.

     He pried an old and tattered book open to the page that was needed. It looked fairly similar to my family's grimoire, so I felt the need to ask, "Is that a grimoire?"

     Percy looked up from the book for a moment to look me in the eye and nodded. He flipped another page, "Yeah it's my mom's. I have two grimoires, one from each of my parents. Why, do you guys have one?"

     Luce and I both nodded. "Yeah, but we can't read it. I would ask you to help, but yours doesn't have the same markings as ours," I said solemnly. "It looks like yours is written in Latin, am I correct?"

     Percy nodded. "Yeah it is. Makes sense that it would be considering the ancient Greek names my family is given, right?" He added with a laugh.

     "Yeah," I agreed, when a thought occurred to me. "Speaking of family, you said earlier that Odysseus is your cousin. Does that mean he's a warlock too?"

     Percy's lips pursed together in contemplation. I suppose he was debating whether he should tell me or not. "I know you guys won't say anything, so I'm going to be honest with you; Odie is a warlock like I am. Our whole family consists of witches and warlocks. We only have two cousins that are Halflings, and that's a super rare occurrence."

     Luce looked perplexed as she looked at me. "What's a Halfling?"

     "Someone who's half-human and half-whatever. Or it's someone with lesser powers between siblings. Sometimes the older sibling gets the majority and stronger senses of the abilities," I explained.

     She nodded in understanding as she watched Percy finish up the necessary steps for the spell. He peeked up at me and asked, "Are you ready Raven?"

     I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to calm my sudden nerves. I was anxious and afraid to find out what had happened between Aspen and I last night. But maybe it would help clarify what my next steps should be regarding his confession. I nodded, "I'm ready."

     "Okay, but I must warn you that you won't get all of your memories right away. You might get one memory today or tomorrow, but it takes a few days for the spell to take full effect. You might not know everything for another three to four days, okay?"

     I nodded again. "I understand. I just want to get this over with and I want to remember. I need to know what happened between Aspen and I so I can fix this rift that's between us now."

     With that said Percy cracked his knuckles and stretched out his neck in preparation. The concoction he made for the spell was now poured into a plastic cup, its peculiar—but not disgusting—aroma wafting through the air. It smelled like lilacs, honeysuckle, sage and mint with a little underlying scent of something I didn't recognize.

     Percy looked down at the book where it lay open to the spell that was needed and began the enchantment. "Quod nihil esset, quia quod non essent," As he spoke the language of the ancients, his pale green eyes turned gold. "Incipite ab initio usque ad finem vade ergo quiescere!"

     The cup that he had filled with his potion glowed; the opaque periwinkle-ish color turning into a dark swirling black, a sudden steam drifting from the top and bubbles popping on top. The sight made my face scrunch up in disgust. The potion's scent still remained the same, but it looked unappetizing, like black sludge and dirt.

Of Darkness (Supernatural Mates Book One)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें