|01| I Am Raven

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Song of the Chapter: Best Coast – "Feeling Ok"

Word Count: 4171

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|I Am Raven|

     "So," The middle-aged woman with graying hair started as she clicked her pen erratically and licked her lips from nervousness. "Let's talk about death."

     With my arms crossed over my chest, I rolled my eyes and let out a guttural grunt of annoyance. My younger sister, Lucianna, elbowed me in the ribs and sent me a stern look, which only elicited another eye roll from me. What did she expect—sunshine and rainbows? No. She knew I wasn't like that, at least not while I was here. Not while I was in some dumb, small, stuffy office, with some dumb, frazzled, middle-aged woman who couldn't even begin to fathom what was going on with me—going on with us.

     She coughed into her fist and clicked her pen again. I glared at her thumb as it continuously pressed down on the end of the pen, the incessant clicking noise driving me up the freakin' wall. I knew, deep down, that I couldn't really be all that annoyed. I knew I had the same annoying habit when I was anxious about a test, and this was just Karma's way of getting back at me for doing unto others what this woman was doing to me.

     She cleared her throat again, "Raven," She started unsurely, sliding her murky brown gaze onto me. My eyes narrowed in annoyance. I didn't like it when she spoke to me directly. "Would you like to start?"

     I shook my head. You'd think that after my sister and I showing up at her office the last few months, and me being completely silent, she'd get that I didn't want to talk. But like I said: she's dumb.

     Lucianna turned to look at me, a deep frown set onto her beautiful face, but she didn't say anything; she knew me better than that. "That's all right Dr. Echols. I don't think Raven's ready to talk yet."

     Something shifted in the room, which was strange because the mood was always the same—static, unmoving and boring; nothing ever changed.

     It worried me deeply.

     Dr. Echols let out a deep sigh. Not the defeated kind that she usually drew out, but more like a frustrated, fed up kind. She set her single-subject spiral notebook in her lap, finally stopping the incessant clicking.

     I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of my own, only mine was out of relief. Finally...

     "Raven," She said sternly. My eyes flew open. She had never used that tone with me before, or either of us for that matter. She was an adolescent psychologist, and as such she always used a calm and understanding tone, never stern or scolding. "You need to start talking to me. You can't keep having Lucianna speak for you."

     I rolled my eyes. She never spoke for me; she just makes up excuses so I wouldn't have to say anything.

     "This is your third time stumbling upon a dead body Raven. You need to talk to me. Talking about it will make it better. You can't make it go away by being quiet about it."

     Unmoving, I blinked slowly, my expression remaining blank. I wasn't going to do as she asked. I didn't ask to be here; my father did, but that was beside the point. She acted as if me "stumbling" on a dead body was an issue for me. It wasn't. It was normal. I knew it and Lucianna knew it, but I wasn't about to tell Dr. Echols that. No need to have me sent to an institution; it was already bad being here.

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