|024| Getting in My Feels

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|Getting in My Feels|

     "He tried to what?!"

     To say Aspen was furious would be an understatement. I honestly thought he was ready to storm out of my house and to Roman's to beat him to a pulp. I was surprised that he hadn't yet.

     I rolled my eyes. "I just told you what he did for, like, the seventh time already."

     "I know, but I wanna hear you say it again and again until it makes me pissed off enough to kill him!"

     My expression softened, my arms that were once crossed, relaxing at my sides. "You don't mean that..."

     He let out a stressed out sigh as he ran both hands through his hair and then down the length of his face. "Of course I don't," He said, his voice softening. His expression was still hard, but it wasn't as filled with fury as it had been before. "I'm just...pissed the fuck off. Who does he think he is trying to kiss you?"

     "I told you that he didn't mean anything by it. I was foolish enough to think he did at first, but after what I did to him..."

     "And rightfully so."

     "Yeah, but I only meant to push him away, not...not whatever it is that I actually did." I rubbed my hands up and down my bare arms. "I'm scared. I lost control just like he said I would. Thankfully he only got a little bit injured, but I could've killed him. If it weren't for all those boxes being in the way I could've pushed him through the wall itself and outside until he flattened out like a pancake in my backyard."

     Aspen shuffled closer to me with hands outstretched. He grasped my shoulders gently in his hands and bent down slightly to look me in the eye. "But you didn't. He's alive...unfortunately," I gave him a sharp warning look. "But he's alive and he's okay. I'm sure he's conjuring up some weird voodoo to make his injuries go away."

     "You're right," I breathed.

     "Not that it's going to help him much since I'm going to kick his ass the next time I see him, but whatever, he can try."

     Aspen smiled crookedly at me, and as much as I wanted to glare at him and berate him, I couldn't. That smile was just as alluring as that infamous grin of his, and I found myself captivated by it.

     "He better have a good reason why he tried to kiss you if he doesn't want the world's most painful ass kicking..." Aspen added.

     "I hate to break it to you, but he does."

     Aspen raised a brow in question. "And that would be?"

     He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me into my living room and onto the couch. He sat down, and just when I was about to do the same and sit beside him, he tugged me down into his lap so I was straddling him.

     "It seems we've found ourselves in quite the compromising position Miss Arring."

     Heat flushed my cheeks and had my stomach rumbling with the thousands upon thousands of flapping wings in my stomach. It felt like a strong gust being stirred up by the flap of dragon wings, while my heart was fluttering at the fastidious pace of a humming bird's wings.

     I cleared my throat, but it did nothing to distract me from what I was feeling internally or the way Aspen was looking at me.

     "Well Roman said he only went to kiss me to fuel a strong emotion in me. He knew it would piss me off. He expected the reaction that I gave him. He just didn't expect for it to be so strong or for it to hurt so much.

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