|Author's Note|

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     Hey my little lovelies!

     I hate writing an author's note like this, 'cause I know as a watty reader that when I see one of my faves update I get all excited, only to be disappointed since it's just a measly little ol' author's note...  But I'm writing one for good reason!

     I'm so sorry for not updating OD in over a year, but I had a lot of personal things going on regarding my mental health and such, so I hope you'll understand.  I'm not 100% or anywhere close to being better, but I'm getting there.

     I just wanted to write this little note to apologize to all of you because I know I don't appreciate when I'm really into a story or even just somewhat like it that I'm left hanging for a long time 'cause the author hasn't written jack shit.  I've been there and I don't like it, so I'm really, truly sorry for putting you all in the same predicament.

     With that being said, I have written a bit more to continue this story, especially since I have so many ideas on how/where to proceed with Aspen and Raven's story.  I hope you continue to read 'cause Imma 'bout to drop a new chapter like I'm dropping this year's hottest mix tape.

     Like a wise Vulcan once said: Live long and prosper y'all!

     Hope to see more of your love and wonderful comments in the future, and I love you all.

      Stay Awesome,

          Victoria 😘😘😘

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