|018| Admitting the Truth

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* Note: Not edited (I'll get to it eventually)

                7 Pages on Microsoft Word

|Admitting the Truth|

     I wanted—no—needed lunchtime to hurry the fuck up. Why, you might ask? Simply put: Aspen Maximus Hawthorne. We shared five out of eight periods together, not including lunch. And in every class so far, he wouldn't stop giving me the evil eye.

     At this point I was overcome with the overwhelming temptation of marching right up to him, grabbing him by the collar of his stupid, tight, form-fitting shirt and yell, "What crawled up your ass and died?!"

     I mean, seriously? What did I do wrong?!

     Yes, yes I know that my drunk ass forgot that we kissed, and that I stupidly and foolishly admitted my feelings of adoration and love for him while he was unconscious. Yes, I know that when he confessed his feelings I simply kissed him like the love-sick puppy that I have become, but I remembered now. Not that he knew that, but either way, he can't be upset that I didn't remember at the time.

     Cut a girl some slack, am I right?

     Although, a sinking and almost twitchy feeling in my gut told me that that wasn't why he was so...miffed with me. But I was about to find out why...

     The bell rang, signaling that our government class was over and that the next period was going to begin in about five minutes. I stood up and slowly gathered my things together. What I had noticed from the two previous periods with Aspen was that he was quick to leave, only to glare at me some more in the next class.

     But this time felt different. He indeed left the room really fast, but I saw him linger by the doorway as I shoved my notebook and pen into my bag. I halted in gathering my belongings, unsure of what was about to happen and if I was ready for it. With a deep breath, I swung my backpack onto one shoulder and trudged out into the hall. As cliché as it sounds, it was time to face the music.

     "I need to talk to you," Was what he said when I walked out. It was the first set of words he had spoken to me since Saturday. It wasn't even a full two days, yet it felt like a lifetime since I'd last heard his voice, and it took my breath away.

     I cleared my throat. There was no need for him to know how much he affected me; I needed to play it cool, like I was unbothered. The way the old me would've behaved... "Okay then—talk."

     He grabbed me below the bend of my elbow and tugged me in the direction he wanted to go. "Not here."

     He was being gentle, yet I still felt like I was being manhandled, and I didn't appreciate it. I yanked my arm out of his grasp and stopped walking. He took a few steps forward, not realizing what I had done until he turned around to face me. The hallway was mostly empty, but the few people that lingered in the hall turned to watch with keen interest in whatever drama they thought was going to unfold.

     I was suddenly very annoyed, very exacerbated with everything. Not just with the weird predicament that Aspen and I were in at the moment, but the fact that he was going to die, that I had to train to hone in my abilities, that my mom wasn't here to explain or teach me a damn thing about anything, that my dad—as loving and amazing as he was—avoided Luce and I like the plague 85% of the time because we reminded him of Mom. That I was bullied by Aspen's stupid friends, that I was ostracized and avoided by my peers because they thought I was a freak, a murderer or a witch, that my friends' parents didn't want them to be friends with me, that my friends hung out more with each other than with all of us together.

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