|021| Premonitions and Petty Jealousies

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|Premonitions and Petty Jealousies|

     "Do you ever feel like you're being watched?" I asked as Aspen and I walked toward his bike.

     Aspen shrugged, "Sometimes."

     "Really? So I'm not being completely paranoid then?"

     He shrugged again, "I don't think so. I mean, isn't everyone paranoid? I think they are; they're just low-key about it, you know?"

     "But that's not what I'm asking," I said a bit exasperatedly. Right now I seriously felt like we were being watched. I got a shiver and a tingle down my spine, and I felt a headache coming on like someone was drilling a hole into my head with their eyes. The feeling was very disconcerting and uncomfortable. I didn't like it at all and I wanted it to stop.

     But how could you stop something you couldn't see? That you weren't even sure was actually there?

     "Then what are you asking?" He asked slowly.

     "I just," I scratched the back of my neck where it felt like someone was staring. "I just feel like someone is watching me—watching us right now."

     Aspen swiveled his head around, looking this way and that. His eyes were narrowed and his hand curled a little bit tighter around mine, just enough to let me know he'd protect me without actually causing my hand pain. He looked like he was ready for a fight, like if whatever was watching us were to come out he'd be ready to kick some serious ass.

     "Where do you feel it coming from?"

     It was reassuring to know that Aspen took what I said seriously—to know that he believed me without question rather than brushing it off like it was no big deal. I didn't want to make it to obvious that I knew that something was watching. What if it was a real live person and they decided to attack if they knew that I knew? I was actually kind of hoping that it was a ghost because at least then I knew that I'd be able to communicate with them and they wouldn't hurt us. But it was hard to tell when I couldn't see it, but only feel it.

     A sudden thought came to mind. What if it wasn't a ghost or a person, but one of those weird, freaky faceless things that kept popping out and following me? I didn't know what those were or how to make them go away. Were they even really there or was someone playing a sick joke on me to make me doubt my abilities even more?

     Aspen waved his hand in front of my face, his expression concerned and his face closer to mine, "Are you okay Birdy?"

     "Uh yeah... I'm fine, I'm fine. I just got caught up in my thoughts."

     "Over what?"

     I looked deeply into his eyes, seeing and feeling all the concern and affection he had for me in that moment. I needed to tell him what was going on. There shouldn't be any secrets between us...at least ones that are unrelated to his impending death. "There's something I haven't told you. I mean, I just told you about what I am and what I can do, and I didn't want to overwhelm you, and—"

     Aspen grabbed me by the shoulders and stopped my incessant rambling, "Birdy, chill. Breathe and then explain to me what's going on. You rambling isn't going to help anyone or clarify anything."

     I sucked in a deep breath, "Okay well there have been these things following me and popping up at the most random instances. I've only seen them twice, but I'm beginning to think that they're everywhere at all times and the feeling of being watched isn't helping that feeling ebb away."

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