Chapter 14

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>Hello my friends… What did you think of the last chapter?


Also, I might have a sequel after this story (Its not going to be done for awhile, so don’t worry)

I haven’t gotten to the good part of the story, so don’t worry.

I love you my little killers.

~Irony out~<

Jeff ran into the room, and hugged, my small bloody body.

“Who the hell are you?!?!” I looked over to see a large angry man, with a large axe in his hand.

Jeff let me go, and pulled out his knife, hiding me behind him. I could see the wicked smile on his face that would be truly horrifying to most.

“Jeff, we could just leave.” I whispered into his ear.

“No, he’s seen your face.” He whispered before running over to the man. The man swung his axe at Jeff, and Jeff swiftly dodged it every time, toying with the man.

At the doorway of the room was a small blonde woman, looking into the room with a knife in hand. She was trembling in fear, so I just walked over to her, wanting to comfort her.

“I’m sorry.”I whispered to her as sincerely as possible. I didn’t know what else to say. What do you say when your covered in someone’s daughters blood? Honestly, I didn’t want to kill this woman. She didn’t want to hurt me, she was scared. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

She let out a small whimper, as tears streamed down her face. “Please don’t hurt us. I have a baby, don’t hurt him.”

A baby?

“Aren’t you Faiths mother?”

She shook her head violently, tears still falling. “Stepmother.”

I walked closer to her, slipping my bloody knife into my hoody, before sending her a sympatric smile. I used my thumb to gently wipe the tears from her face, not realizing I was covered in blood. I frowned at the blood that was now smeared on her cheeks.

“He’s going to kill my husband.” She managed to cry out. I turned to see Jeff toying with the man with the axe, laughing like a madman. He was truly enjoying himself.

I gasped when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I turned to see anger in the woman’s eyes. She held a bloody knife.

I was confused at first, but then she swung her blade at me, snapping me out of my trance. Gracefully I dodged the way of her knife, wiping out my own.

Now I had reason to kill her.

The woman continued to lunge at me with her knife. My confidence was in an unnatural state for myself, and I just continued to dodge her, laughing hysterically.

I was having too much fun.

“You little fuck!” I held my face in my hands only for a moment. Now I was angry.

Ignoring the blood that streamed from my face, I dug my knife into her neck. She coughed up blood, the blood staining her platinum blonde hair, and perfect skin. Her struggling soon lessened, until her body was limp in my arms. I threw her body on the floor, showing no sorrow, or regret.

I turned to Jeff who was still in his own little world, toying with the man who was twice his size. Tired of watching, I threw my knife, where it collided with the man’s thigh. His scream was horrific.

The Irony of it all (Jeff the killer) (In edit)Where stories live. Discover now