Q & A

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Q-How much do you love Bryan and Missy as your parents and Ollie as your brother?

A-I love all of them so much, I dont even think I could put it into words. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have such an amazing and loving family.

Q-If you would've never found Bryan and Missy on YouTube, do you think you would've reacted differently when you got adopted?

A-I do think I would've reacted differently because honestly, I was extremely sad to leave all of my great friends. If I wouldn't have found Bryan and Missy on YouTube, I most likely wouldn't have wanted to leave at all.

Q-If Daily Bumps weren't your parents, what other Youtuber would you want to adopt you?

A-I would definitely have wanted the Shaytards to adopt me!


Q-Are you excited for your new brother?

A-I am very excited. I can't wait to finally have a little brother, not that I don't want Macey Gaines.

Q-What do you want his name to be?

A-I really want his name to be Joel or Liam. Joel is my middle name and Liam was my best friend for 6 years back at the orphanage.

Q-How much do you love Avery?

A-I love Avery with all of my heart. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and she is also the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Q-Do you want to name your brother or do you want your parents to?

A-I would love to name my baby brother, but I won't care if Mom and Dad choose to name him.


Q-If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A-If I could go anywhere in the world, I would probably go to Ireland. Their accents are so cool and the food is the best!

Q-How do you feel about Gabriel being with Avery's father?

A-I am terrified that we may actually lose Gabriel this time, but I know for sure that we're going to get him back.

Q-Do you want anymore kids when Finley is older?

A-Yes, I definitely want atleast another kid after Finley. I especially want another girl, but I also can't see another girl in the house other than Avery and Missy!


Q-If you were able to marry any celebrity, who would it be?

A-If I could marry any celebrity, it would definitely be Brad Pitt.

Q-What is your favorite moment with Avery?

A-My favorite moment with Avery would be just seeing her grow up in general, but if I had to pick one, it would probably be back at Playlist Live.

Q-Would you rather drink water or orange juice for the rest of your life?

A-Orange juice all the way!


Q-Hey Ollie! Why are you so very very cute?

A-Hii!! I dont know!! Hehe!!

Q-What is your favorite toy?


Q-Say bye!


Mimi and Papa:

Q-How did you react when Bryan and Missy said that they wanted to adopt?

A-We were very happy for them, they've wanted to do it for awhile now and never got to it. We were so excited, especially when they announced that it was going to be a girl.

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